Vol.437 Express和delivery,哪个是快递,哪个是外卖?

Vol.437 Express和delivery,哪个是快递,哪个是外卖?

2019-02-21    06'23''

主播: 英语口语每天学

45105 318

Express v. He’s afraid of expressing himself in front of people. Express v. Your order will be expressed to you within 24 hours. Express n. The parcel will be sent to you by express. Delivery n. Working at the front desk, she gets a lot of deliveries a day. Food delivery Takeout Let&`&s get Thai takeout tonight. What do you think? Pay on delivery Pay up front The seller wants me to pay up front or he will not send the parcel. 今日挑战 把下面的词组连成一句话并翻译 写在留言处和大家分享 promising a lot John is always he can deliver. more than 【翻阅上一期内容即可查阅正确答案】 【下一期内容的正确答案解析】 She found the disgrace ___ losing her job very hard to deal ___. A. for…of B. in…about C. of...with C正确;第二空,deal with是固定搭配,应对,处理的意思;句子逻辑是:她发现丢了工作这个丢脸的事情非常难应对;所以第一空应该是所有格形式;