Vol.449 双语新闻|银行卡有这个标志,可要保护好了,别被盗刷!

Vol.449 双语新闻|银行卡有这个标志,可要保护好了,别被盗刷!

2019-03-21    06'39''

主播: 英语口语每天学

31226 230

3月16日深夜,中国银联官网发布声明,向持卡人道歉。此前,央视“3·15”晚会曝光了银联要求各家银行自动开通“闪付”功能,闪付交易时不需要输入密码,不需要与刷卡机紧密接触,使银行卡存在资金被盗刷风险。 China UnionPay reaffirmed that its Quickpass services are safe one day after they were questioned by an annual CCTV program on the protection of consumer rights. 在被CCTV年度消费者权益保护节目质疑后的一天,中国银联重申, 他们提供的“闪付”功能是安全的。 Key words reaffirm v. 再次申明 annual adj. 每年的 consumer rights 消费者权益 Quickpass is a kind of contactless payment product that enables cardholders to pay by waving their cards in front of a contactless payment terminal. “闪付”是一种无需接触的支付方式,能够让持卡人在一个不用接触就可以支付的终端上,通过挥动卡片来付款。 Key words contactless /ˈkɑːntæktləs/ 非接触式的 wave v. 挥手 terminal n. 终端 But this may leave cardholders open to falling victim to identity theft, the "315" evening show hosted by CCTV on World Consumer Rights Day suggested. 在国际消费者权益日,CCTV举办的315晚会上提到——这种支付方式可能会让持卡人成为身份盗窃的受害者。 In response, China UnionPay claimed that the Quickpass service is both "convenient and safe" and it has been widely adopted throughout the world. 作为回应,中国银联声明“闪付”服务既方便又安全,并且已经被世界上其他国家广泛使用。 Key words falling victim 受害者 adopt v. 采用 Their research indicated identity theft was "of very low frequency" and that the risk ratio for such transactions was 2 in 10 million. 银联研究表明,身份盗窃的概率很低,这样的交易风险发生率仅为一千万分之二。 Key words indicate v. 表明 frequency n. 频率 transaction n. 交易 原文链接:http://www.china.org.cn/business/2019-03/18/content_74583520.htm 【下一期内容的正确答案解析】 The muscles in my legs still feel very ___ after all that exercise. A. hurt B. sore C. pain D. ache B正确;Feel之后需要形容词,又因为句子逻辑是运动后,所以选sore 运动之后,我腿上的肌肉仍然感到非常酸痛。