Vol.469 “你很奇怪”别说成You are strange

Vol.469 “你很奇怪”别说成You are strange

2019-05-11    05'58''

主播: 英语口语每天学

49369 314

Strange 不寻常的;奇怪的 用来形容事物或者想法 I had a strange feeling that we&`&d met before. 有个奇怪的感觉,觉得我们以前见过面。 Weird 怪异的;不寻常的 Her boyfriend&`&s a bit weird but she&`&s nice. 她的男朋友有点怪,不过她人倒很好。 Feel strange 感觉身体不舒服 It was terribly hot and I started to feel strange. 当时非常热,我开始感觉到不舒服。 Strange 陌生的 With so many strange faces around her, the baby started to cry. 看到周围有这么多的陌生面孔,婴儿开始哭了起来。 Stranger 陌生人 I&`&d never met anyone at the party before - they were complete strangers. 聚会上的人我以前从未见过——全是陌生人。 Weirdo 怪咖,怪人 The streets are dangerous and there are too many weirdos around. 这些街道很危险,有很多怪人。 今日挑战 I&`&ve never been here before ___, so it&`&s all ___ to me too. A. either...strange B. too...strange C. either…weird D. too...weird 【翻阅上一期内容即可查阅正确答案】 【下一期内容的正确答案解析】 Her voice shook ___ she spoke about the person ___ attacked her. A. when…why B. like…whom C. as…who D. if…what C正确;当她说到袭击自己的那个人的时候,声音都在颤抖。 as相当于when,可以替换使用。 第二空定语从句,指代人,缺少主语,用who.