

2015-01-04    119'43''

主播: 沈鸿元

2437 119

沈鸿元、苏重主持 本期曲目与乐手/歌手 【藍調的故事:系列之五十】 Like a Rolling Stone Bob Dylan Like a Rolling Stone John Mellencamp Like a Rolling Stone The Rolling Stones Sitting on the Top of the World Bob Dylan Sitting on the Top of the World Mississippi Sheiks You Got to Move Mississippi Fred McDowell You Got to Move Cassandra Wilson The Times They Are A-Changin&`& Bob Dylan The Times They Are A-Changin&`& Tracy Chapman A Hard Rain&`&s a-Gonna Fall Bob Dylan A Hard Rain&`&s a-Gonna Fall Bryan Ferry Mr. Tambourine Man Bob Dylan Mr. Tambourine Man The Byrds