Vampire in the air 空中的吸血鬼

Vampire in the air 空中的吸血鬼

2017-06-09    06'56''

主播: 为语筹谋

190 9

如您想获得本篇文章的英文文稿、翻译及讲解资料,请添加我的微信公众号“为语筹谋”,输入关键字“蚊子”。在那里,我还会将定期推送些免费的写作指导及口语表达等课程。 英文原稿 引文 Smaller than a child’s thumbnail, these insects remain the most dangerous nonhuman animals on the planet. They are mosquitos. We squash them. We poison-bomb them. We drain their habitats, breed them in lab to confound their DNA. And yet “we have no silver bullet” for those vampires in the air. 正文 A mosquito’s bite can pass on brutal diseases: zika, malaria, yellow fever and dengue. A mosquito homes in on you by sensing the proximity of blood from your sweat, your breath, your warmth. Her feeding apparatus is a skin-piercing bundle of tiny stylets that can suck your blood while injecting saliva with an anticoagulant. A mosquito can slip that fascicle into your skin so gently that you have no idea what’s happening until the blood meal is already under way. She can sip your blood until she’s more than twice her weight. Yes, your vampire is always a female. In the mosquito world, the female is the biter because she needs blood nutrients for her eggs. Laying eggs and nourishing them are the great project of her short (usually month-long) life. —— end ——