Starved or stuffed 是饿死,还是撑死?

Starved or stuffed 是饿死,还是撑死?

2017-06-23    06'42''

主播: 为语筹谋

163 5

如您想获得本篇文章的英文文稿、翻译及讲解资料,请添加我的微信公众号“为语筹谋”,输入关键字“饥饿”。在那里,我还会将定期推送些免费的写作指导及口语表达等课程。 引语 Most of us probably know how it feels when we miss lunch, when we fast on some religious holiday, or when we live for a few days on vegetable shakes as part of a new wonder diet. But how does it feel when you haven’t eaten for days on end and you have no clue where to get the next mouth of food? Most people today have never experienced this excruciating torment. 英文原稿 Famine, for thousands of years, has been humanity’s worst enemy until recently. A small mistake or a bit of bad luck could easily be a death sentence for the entire family or village. With agricultural revolution and improved food distribution newworks, famine in most part of the world is already solved at least at present. However, there are new types of worries on food. In most countries today overeating has become a far worse problem than famine. In the 18th century Marie Antoinette allegedly advised the starving masses that if they ran out of bread, they should eat cake instead. Today, the poor are following this advice to the letter. Whereas the rich residents of Beverly Hills eat lettuce salad and steamed tofu with quinoa, in the slums and ghettos the poor gorge on Twinkie cakes, Cheetos, hamburgers and pizza. In 2014 more than 2.1 billion people were overweight, compared to 850 million who suffered from malnutrition. In 2010 famine and malnutrition combined killed about 1 million people, whereas obesity killed 3 million. —— end ——