英语美文朗读:Good Night别小看晚安两个字

英语美文朗读:Good Night别小看晚安两个字

2022-04-21    00'37''

主播: 孟飞Phoenix

2419 17

主播:孟飞Phoenix Hey, I'm sorry that I didn't get the chance to talk to you during the day, I could only say good night to you. But please don't underestimate these two words. They contain the sunshine I saw in the morning, the clouds I stared at in the afternoon, and the breeze that I met in the evening. They contained every word that I wanted to tell you. So, good night! 很抱歉啊,我白天都没什么机会和你说话 只能憋到晚上给你发句晚安 但你可别小看了这两个字 它可包含了我今天清晨见到的阳光 中午看到的白云 傍晚遇见的微风 它包含着我这一天一直想对你说的话 晚安 ❤ 录音、主播:孟飞Phoenix 图文源自网络,归原作者所有 BGM:文武贝:知道不知道 孟叔的微博:孟飞Phoenix