

2022-04-25    01'15''

主播: 孟飞Phoenix

2326 9

主播:孟飞Phoenix Is it okay to take a picture of a stranger in public? My answer would be definitely not. It's never okay to take somebody's picture without telling them or without asking them for permission before you do it. I think the respectable and the decent thing to do is to let that person know and make sure they're comfortable with you taking that picture. A lot of people hate having their picture taken by themselves or by others, so you don't want to put anybody in a difficult situation or make them feel uneasy about it. Also, you should really let them know if you're going to be posting it up on any kind of social media, just let them know that other people are also going to see this picture and make sure they're familiar with what that means as well. That's the fair thing to do. So yeah, never take somebody's picture without permission. 公共场合给陌生人拍照可以吗? 我的答案是绝对不可以随意拍别人的照片。 拍之前一定告知被拍摄者或者征求他们的同意。毕竟从尊重和礼貌的角度来说让被拍摄知晓,并确保他们对你拍摄照片这事感到可以OK才行,因为相当一部分人连自拍都不喜欢,更何况是未经允许的情况下别人偷偷给他们拍照。 而且,如果你要把这个发布到任何社交媒体上,得让被拍摄者他们知道其他人也会看到这张照片,确保他们能够接受。这是最公平的做法。所以,建议未经他人允许,不要给别人拍照哦。 评论区分享下你的观点吧 ❤ 录音、主播:孟飞Phoenix 图片:ROMAN ODINTSOV 文本源自网络,归原作者所有 BGM:文武贝-罗大佑-爱的箴言 孟叔的微博:孟飞Phoenix