

2022-08-11    04'56''

主播: 孟飞Phoenix

1778 9

Express Your Love 表达你的爱------- 源自:网络 | 主播:孟飞Phoenix Many times, the small things in life, which we often ignore, are more important than the ones that we consider far more valuable. 很多时候,我们在生活中忽略的一些小事,比我们自以为有意义得多的大事更为重要。 This theme is highlighted in Kenny Roger's song Buy Me a Rose. 这一观点在肯尼-罗杰斯的歌《为我买一朵玫瑰花》中就得到了充分的体现。 In his song, he insists on the fact that the expression of love plays a significant role in a relationship. 歌中他现实地指出,说情话在男女关系中的地位举足轻重, However,any people seem to ignore this fact and assume that love can be expressed through wealth and riches. 然而许多人似乎忽略了这个事实,而以为金钱和财富就可以表达爱。 In his song, Kenny Rogers narrates the story of a wife whose husband loves her very much. 歌中,肯尼-罗杰斯描述了这样一个故事:有一位妻子,她有一位非常爱她的丈夫, However,she thinks that the way her husband shows her his love is not appropriate. 然而她却认为丈夫向她示爱的方式不理想。 According to her husband, the best way of showing his love to his wife is by providing her with all the wealth and comforts of life. 在她丈夫看来,向妻子示爱的最佳方式就是把所有的钱都掏给她,让她过着安逸的生活。 Consequently, he works hard day and night and is thus not able to devote any of his time to her. 于是他没日没夜地工作,结果不能匀出时间来陪妻子。 His wife, however, argues that this is not what she wants. 然而他的妻子却抱怨这不是她想要的, All he wants for him is to show her more affection by giving her more of his time, caring for her, and by expressing his feelings for her. 她只想他多花点时间陪陪她,关心她,向她倾诉情话。 These are the things that she yearns for in her life and not the big, flashy things that he has given her. 用这样的方式来表达他更多的爱,她在生活中渴望的就是这些,而不是丈夫给她的那些金光闪闪的玩意。 "Buy me a rose, call me from work.” 为我买一朵玫瑰花,工作时给我打个电话, Open a door for me, what would it hurt? 为我开开门,这样做你会难受吗? Show me you love me by the look in your eyes. 用你含情脉脉的眼神告诉我你的爱, These are the little things I need the most in my life.” 我的生活多么需要这些小小的表达。 To her, these are all the things that can bring her maximum joy and happiness. 对她来说,这些才最能使她感到快乐和幸福。 Although her husband loves her very much, his way of showing his love for her is creating distances between the two. 虽然她的丈夫非常爱她,但丈夫表达爱的方式却拉开了两人的距离, And as time passes by, the distance keeps increasing. 而且随着时间的推移不断的扩大这个距离。 This song expresses how we lead our lives in today's world and how we think that it takes a lot to make a person happy. 这首歌表达了我们当今的生活方式以及我们以为让一个人快乐要付出许多代价的想法。 It is always the simple pleasures of life which make a difference. 生活的改善往往是来自一些朴实无华的欢愉, It is never the big and flashy things. 而不是非要借助宏大奢华之物。 The main idea of Buy Me A Rose” is that people who are closer to us deserve more sincere expression of our love, which may be found in smaller things in life. 为我买一朵玫瑰花”的主要观点是,我们的爱人值得我们用更真诚的方式来传情达意,而这些方式往往正好是生活中的许多小事情。 Spending time with them rather than spending money on them is a better way of expressing our love. 多花时间陪他们比给他们钱更能表达出我们的爱。 We should learn to express our feelings than to show our love through material goods. 我们应学着表达自己的感情,而不是通过物质来表达爱。 Expressyour love. 表达你的爱吧。 录音、剪辑、主播:孟飞Phoenix 主播各平台同名:@孟飞Phoenix BGM:①顾得慕秋 - 其实已无缘 伴奏 ②橋本由香利 - 相合傘