

2022-12-18    03'00''

主播: 孟飞Phoenix

1554 7

Tidal Wave 浪潮 源自:网络 | 主播:孟飞Phoenix It's heavy now and we don't change 此刻的孤独让我无法全身而退 Come back down, keep it safe 待到清醒时,提醒自己别再留恋过去 Spinning room lost my mind 天旋地转的房间,令我神志不清 Keep it up, killing time 却无法改变,任由时间点滴流逝 Don't wait up it'll be okay 别再彻夜等待,告诉自己一切都结束了 Though it's coming at me like a tidal wave 可往日的回忆它似狂潮朝我不断袭来 Pick it up, as if you found 想重振精神,一如最初 Peace of mind, in shattered sound 却只能在心碎中找回那片刻宁静 Extra days to sit around 时光如往常 Wonder why you can't be found 而我却永远的错过了你 Don't wait up it'll be okay 告诉自己别再彻夜等待 , 一切都不可挽回 Left alone to face the day 我要孤身离开,去面对这世界 Don't wait up it'll be okay 别再彻夜等待,一切都已结束 Though it's coming at me like a tidal wave 尽管思念如潮水般不断涌向我 Heaven starts when you're by my side 怀念有你在我身边的种种美好 Hurry up, leave it behind 而此刻,只想时光快些,带走我对你的思念 Fickle love, I'll call you out 带走我对你脱口而出的爱与思恋 If we don't, change it now 如若此时我们仍未分开 A holiday is on my mind 能够想象与你一起的幸福时刻 You still take me by surprise 你是我梦中最心动的惊喜 Truth it breaks by the night 却在夜夜梦醒后发现你已离去 If we don't change we're stuck in time 爱你的心,永远沦陷在想你的时间涟漪 录音、剪辑、主播:孟飞Phoenix 中文翻译:阳了孟叔 迷迷糊糊翻译不太准确 主播各平台同名:@孟飞Phoenix Picture by pixabay bgm:JINBAO-守护星 福合埕在逃牛肉丸-今晚有雨