

2023-04-11    04'18''

主播: 孟飞Phoenix

1838 7

文本、声音、剪辑:孟飞Phoenix 孟叔说 我猜此刻的你或许也很累 但请先停止自己精神内耗 然后去吹吹风、看看花, 感受这个世界的美好 因为比别人慢一点都没关系, 做好自己最重要 Dear friend, I know life can be tough sometimes. We all have our struggles, our challenges, our worries. And right now, you may feel tired, overwhelmed, or stressed out. That's okay. It's normal to feel that way. But I also know that you're strong, resilient, and capable of overcoming whatever obstacles come your way. So please, don't give up. Don't lose hope. Don't let your mind exhaust itself with endless self-doubt and negativity. 亲爱的朋友,我知道生活有时候很艰难。我们都有自己需要面对的挑战、烦恼和担忧。此刻,你可能感到疲倦、不堪重负或者焦虑。别过度焦虑这种正常的情绪。因为我知道你是坚强、有韧性并能够克服任何困难。所以,请不要轻易放弃、不要失去希望,更不要让你的思维耗尽精力,充满无尽的自我怀疑和消极情绪。 Instead, I really hope you can take a break. To pause for a moment and appreciate the beauty of the world around you. To go outside, breathe in the fresh air, and soak up the sunlight. To look at the flowers, the trees, the birds, and the insects, and marvel at their diversity and complexity. To feel the wind on your skin, the grass under your feet, and the joy in your heart. 相反,我希望你能让自己休息一下。给自己按下暂停键,去欣赏周围世界的美丽。走出去,呼吸新鲜空气、享受阳光。看看花草树木、鸟儿昆虫,感叹于它们的多样性和复杂性。感受风吹过皮肤、草地踏在脚底下的喜悦。 I know it may sound cheesy or cliché, but trust me, it works. Taking a break from your mental fatigue and focusing on the present moment can do wonders for your well-being. It can reduce your stress, boost your mood, and increase your creativity and productivity. It can remind you that you're part of something bigger than yourself, something beautiful, something worth fighting for. 我知道这听起来可能有些俗套或陈词滥调,但相信我,这真的有用。从精神疲劳中抽出身来让自己休息一下,专注于此刻,这样会更有利于你的健康。比如可以减轻你的压力、提高你的情绪并增加你的创造力和生产力。它会时刻提醒你,你永远要比自己想象的优秀和重要。 And don't worry if you feel like you're going slower than others. Don't compare yourself to anyone else. Don't judge yourself harshly for not achieving enough or not being perfect. Life is not a race, and success is not a one-size-fits-all concept. What matters is that you do your best, in your own way, at your own pace. What matters is that you're true to yourself, your values, and your dreams. What matters is that you're kind, compassionate, and respectful to others, and to yourself. 如果有时候你感觉自己比别人慢,也不要担心。不因为你不需要与他人比较。不要因为未取得足够大的成就而苛刻地自我评价。因为人生不是竞赛,成功也没有统一标准。任何时候重要的是你全力以赴,用自己的方式、按照自己的节奏做到能力范围内的最好。重要的是你是否追随自己内心、自己的价值观和梦想。重要的是你对别人和自己都要友善、富有同情心和尊重。 So, my dear friend, please take care of yourself. Please be kind to yourself. Please remember that you're not alone in this world and that there are people who care about you, who support you, who love you. And please, whenever you feel tired, exhausted, or overwhelmed, just take a break, go outside, and enjoy the beauty of the world. You deserve it. 亲爱的你,我希望你能好好照顾自己。请对自己好一点,随时记得你并不孤单,有很多人关心你、支持你并爱着你。如果你感到疲惫、筋疲力尽或不知所措,请放松一下,走出去,享受这个美丽的世界。因为你值得拥有这一切。 录音、剪辑、主播:孟飞Phoenix BGM:水月陵 - 鳥の詩 ~ 松田彬人 - pure heart