

2023-05-20    02'03''

主播: 孟飞Phoenix

1629 13

Music Percy Bysshe Shelley I pant for the music which is divine, My heart in its thirst is a dying flower; Pour forth the sound like enchanted wine, Loosen the notes in a silver shower; Like a herbless plain, for the gentle rain, I gasp, I faint, till they wake again. Let me drink of the spirit of that sweet sound, More, oh more,—I am thirsting yet; It loosens the serpent which care has bound Upon my heart to stifle it; The dissolving strain, through every vein, Passes into my heart and brain. As the scent of a violet withered up, Which grew by the brink of a silver lake, When the hot noon has drained its dewy cup, And mist there was none its thirst to slake— And the violet lay dead while the odour flew On the wings of the wind o’er the water blue— As one who drinks from a charmed cup Of foaming, and sparkling, and murmuring wine, Whom, a mighty Enchantress filling up, Invites to love with her kiss divine... 音  乐 我渴望那神圣的音乐, 饥渴的心如一朵濒死的花; 乐音倾泻,像施了魔法的美酒, 音符在一阵银色的阵雨中奔放, 像一片荒芜的原野,渴望甘霖细雨, 我喘息,我晕眩,等那音符再次唤醒。 让我啜饮那甜美乐音的烈酒, 多些,啊,多些,——我仍未解渴。 它松开被烦恼捆在我心头, 要闷死我心灵的那条毒蛇。 这溶解的旋律,流经每根血管, 融入我的心房和脑海。 仿若一朵枯萎的紫罗兰, 曾在银色的湖畔吐露芳香, 当酷热的正午喝干它带露水的花萼, 却没有雾气替它解除饥渴—— 紫罗兰死去,飘散的香气 飞上风的双翅,吹过蓝色湖面。 仿若有个人从一只魔杯里啜饮 冒泡、起沫、沙沙作响的美酒, 好比一位万能的神女把杯斟满, 再以其神圣之吻邀心上人痛饮…… 录音、剪辑、主播:孟飞Phoenix BGM:Goldberg Variations, BWV 988 - 16 - Variatio 15 a 1 Clav. Canone alla Quinta