

2023-08-23    02'46''

主播: 孟飞Phoenix

1103 7

英语美文朗读|孟叔送你「今年最美的初秋」 文字、图片、声音、剪辑:孟飞Phoenix As summer gently fades and the air grows cooler, the enchanting time of early autumn arrives. The world seems to be lost in a dreamy state. The sun's soft rays bring a warm touch to everything around. Leaves on trees begin to change color, turning shades of orange, red, and gold. Each leaf that falls seems like a secret whispered by the trees. 随着渐渐消退的夏日炎热和空气中的逐渐凉爽,初秋 这迷人的季节悄然而至。整个世界仿佛陷入了梦幻之中。柔和的阳光洒下,给周围的一切带来温暖的触感。树叶开始变色,涂抹上橙色、红色和金色的画笔。每一片飘落的叶子都像是树木低语的秘密。 The air holds a feeling of nostalgia, a kind of sadness that mixes with the sound of leaves rustling. Nights arrive a bit earlier, and the daytime becomes shorter, inviting us to enjoy the special moments of dusk. When the breeze blows, it carries the smell of earth and fallen leaves, a scent that awakens our senses and feelings. 空气中弥漫着一丝怀旧的氛围,一种与树叶沙沙声相交织的伤感旋律。逐渐提前到来的夜晚和变短的白昼,似乎在邀请我们享受黄昏的拥抱。微风轻拂,带来了泥土和落叶的香气,这种气息唤醒了我们的身心。 In gardens and parks, the pretty petals of summer flowers make way for the sturdy blooms of chrysanthemums and asters, their bright colors showing how life can endure changes. It's a time to think and reflect, to see the beauty in both beginnings and goodbyes. Everything seems to be in harmony, like a colorful song that matches our feelings. 在花园、公园里,夏日鲜花的娇艳逐渐让位于菊花和紫菀的坚韧盛开,它们鲜艳的色彩诉说了生命在变迁中的坚韧。这是一个需要反思的季节,去发现在开始和结束之间的美好。一切似乎都在和谐中,宛如一曲丰富情感的交响乐。 In this calm and thoughtful time, nature gently reminds us that life is short. The way leaves fall, the warmth of the sun, the quiet whispers of the wind—all show us how it's okay to let go and embrace the changes that are part of life. 在这宁静而深思的时刻,大自然温柔地提醒我们,生命是短暂的。树叶飘落的方式、温暖的阳光、轻声低语的微风,都向我们展示,懂得放手和接受是生命永恒循环中的一部分,是值得欣然接受的美好。 文本、录音、剪辑、主播:孟飞Phoenix BGM:渡辺俊幸 - 本当の優しさとは