

2023-09-29    02'40''

主播: 孟飞Phoenix

1053 10

Is there a Mid-Autumn Festival celebrated in any other country or region around the world, apart from the mainland in China? 全世界除了咱们中国大陆地区过中秋,其他国家或者地区有中秋节吗? Yep, there is also a celebration of the Mid-Autumn Festival abroad, especially in some Asian countries and regions such as Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan, and in Chinese communities. People in these places often celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival by moon gazing, family reunions, and sharing traditional foods like mooncakes. 国外也有中秋节的庆祝活动,尤其是在一些亚洲国家和地区,如咱们中国的台湾、香港、澳门地区,马来西亚、新加坡、越南、韩国、日本等地的一些华人社区都有中秋庆祝活动。这些地方的中国人通常都会庆祝中秋节,也都会赏月、家庭团聚和分享品尝月饼这样的传统美食。 In some major cities abroad, there may also be Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations, including lantern exhibitions, cultural performances, and traditional craft markets to promote cultural exchange and commemorate this traditional holiday. In summary, while the scale of Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations abroad may not be as grand as in China, it is still a culturally significant holiday that allows Chinese communities to maintain their cultural traditions and celebrate the spirit of reunion. 在国外的一些大城市,也会庆祝中秋节,还有比如灯笼展、中国传统文化表演和传统手工艺集市之类的节日活动,以此增进文化交流和共庆中秋节。总之,中秋节在国外虽然规模和节日氛围不如在国内那么盛大、热闹,但依然是一个具有特殊文化意义的日子,让海外华人都能保持我们的文化传统并共同庆祝中秋的团圆之情。 "Perhaps you are still working alone in a strange city, or you might be traveling tirelessly to be with your parents. Hope that at this moment with my voice, wishing you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, and may your family be blessed with happiness and all your wishes come true!" 或许此刻你仍独自一人打拼在陌生的城市,也可能你正拖着疲惫历经舟车劳顿即将奔赴父母身边,不论在何处,此刻孟叔都想用声音送给你最真诚的祝福,祝你中秋快乐、阖家幸福、所得皆所愿! 你的朋友:孟飞Phoenix 2023中秋节 文本、录音、剪辑、主播:孟飞Phoenix BGM:古琴白无瑕,蔡珊,殷屹浩楠 - 空山鸟语