

2023-10-30    04'49''

主播: 孟飞Phoenix

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英文文字、图片、声音、剪辑:孟飞Phoenix I know you are very strong, but you are also very tired. Sometimes, it's easy to forget that even those who appear strong may carry invisible burdens. You've grown so accustomed to silence, to keeping your struggles to yourself, that it's almost as if you've become a master at concealing your vulnerabilities. It's only in those fleeting moments of reflection that you remember you're not invincible after all. 有时候,我们可能会忘记,即使外表坚强的人,他们也可能背负着他人的难以想象的负担。你也许习惯了沉默,习惯了独自承受,很容易使人误以为自己就是一位坚不可摧的超人。 Perhaps those around you think you're invulnerable to pain and difficulties. They see a facade of unwavering strength. They might not realize that underneath that exterior lies a human heart, one that can be hurt, one that can experience emotions, and one that, at times, can falter under the burden of life's challenges. 也许,周围的人已经相信你是个乐观积极的人。他们看到的只是你坚毅无畏的外表。但他们或许不了解,在那坚硬的护甲之下,也有一颗脆弱的心,会受伤、知冷暖,有时也会被生活的风雨击倒。 You may have, at times, reached out for help. You may have yearned for someone to share the load, to offer a helping hand, but in the end, you still find yourself navigating the trials and tribulations of life on your own. 也许你有时候想得到别人的帮助。或者你曾渴望有人能与你一同分担生活的重担,但最终,你发觉还是得独自走过这段漫漫的旅程。 Someone once said that there are two sentences that tend to dominate the vocabulary of adults: "Let it go" and "It's fine." These seemingly innocuous words often mask a complex web of emotions, frustrations, and struggles. 有人曾经说过,成年人最常挂在嘴边的两句话是:“算了”和“没事”。这两句话常常掩饰着复杂的情绪、挫折和挣扎。 "Let it go" is a shield, a way to downplay the significance of your pain. It's a way to convince yourself that you're strong enough to handle it without anyone's help, even if that's not entirely true. “算了”是一种自我保护,一种试图淡化痛苦的方式,一种说服自己不需要别人的帮助,即便事实并非如此。 "It's fine" is a veil, a curtain that conceals the inner turmoil. It's a response to the question, "How is everything?" when the real answer might be far from "fine." “没事”是一种遮掩,是一层幕布来隐藏内心的纷乱。这是对“还好吗?”这个问题的回答,尽管真实的答案可能与“没事”相去甚远。 It's essential to remember that it's okay not to be fine all the time. It's okay to ask for help, to share your burdens, and to lean on those who care about you. You don't have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders alone. Strength isn't about being impervious; it's about knowing when to seek support and when to be vulnerable. 要记住,不必时时刻刻都保持坚强。寻求帮助、分享负担,依靠那些关心你的人,都是可以的。你无需独自扛起生活的重压。坚强并不意味着刀枪不入,而是懂得何时去寻求支持,何时去表露脆弱。 In those moments when you realize you're not as invincible as you appear, remember that your humanity, your openness, and your willingness to connect with others are your true strengths. You are not alone in your struggles, and there are people who genuinely care and are willing to share the journey with you. 在那些时刻,当你意识到自己并非如外表所示坚不可摧时,请记住,你的人性、敞开的心以及与他人建立联系的勇气,才是你真正的力量。你不孤独,总会有人真正在乎你,愿意与你共同走过这段旅程。 中文文本参考:微信公众号:远近 文本、录音、剪辑、主播:孟飞Phoenix Picture by 孟飞Phoenix BGM:姜创钢琴 - 寻梦环游记remember me