

2024-03-24    04'27''

主播: 孟飞Phoenix

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原创作品,未经允许请勿转载 You and I are as resilient as the wild grass, building ourselves a shelter from the storms. ​ Looking out at the small patch of wild grass, I'm reminded of how we resemble them. Like those blades of grass, we too have built ourselves a harbor in this world. 看着窗外那片小小的野草丛,我想起了我们的模样。我们就像它们一样,也在这世上为自己筑起了一个避风港。 In the years gone by, life's raging winds and driving rains made our existence arduous. Yet we were never weighed down, instead driving our roots deeper, gripping tightly to the soil, standing tall no matter the tempests that battered us. 过去的岁月里,生活对我们而言曾狂风暴雨般艰难。可我们从没被压垮,而是努力将根系扎得更深,紧紧抓住泥土,任凭风雨来袭都挺立不倒。 Like this tenacious vegetation, we've experienced the gamut of life's flavors–the mundane and the joyous, the sorrowful and the euphoric. Searing summer days drenched us in sweat, endless winters entombed us in icy winds. But we never surrendered, patiently enduring each drought until the rains returned and we regained our vitality. 就像这些野草,我们也经历了世间的酸甜苦辣。炎热的夏日将我们晒得汗流浃背,漫长的寒冬又将我们冰封在冷风里。可我们从没放弃过,默默熬过每一个干旱的季节,总能在雨露重临时重拾生机。 The wild grasses will eventually become towering trees, just as we will one day bask in the radiance, radiating our own brilliant light. 野草终将长成参天大树,而我们也终将沐浴阳光,释放出耀眼的光芒。 So when I gaze upon those clusters of grass, I see our own reflections. In our distinctive way, we've painted the world a shade of new green while building a sanctuary for one another. 所以当我看着窗外的小草丛时,我总会想起我们的身影。我们用自己独特的方式,为这世界添了一抹绿意,也为彼此树立了一座避风港。 You and I, we are as inseparable as those blades of grass, our roots intertwined. When winds batter, I shield you; when rains lash, you embrace me. With this harbor, we can stride through life's bittersweet trials side-by-side until finally unfurling into our ideal selves. 是啊,你我就如同那野草,根须紧紧相系。我们相偎相依不惧风雨。有了这道避风港,我们就能并肩走过生命的悲欢离合,直到最终绽放出理想的模样。 文本、录音、剪辑、主播:孟飞Phoenix ​BGM:1.Pam_dinosaur - Sea(海) 2.Mana Two - Part 1​