

2024-07-11    04'10''

主播: 孟飞Phoenix

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其实我们心里都知道 此刻说出口的再见 是结束,也是开始 声音、文稿、剪辑、主播:孟飞Phoenix ▽ As the final chimesof the graduation ceremony fade away, we are reminded that every ending marks the beginning of something new. Graduation epitomizesthis truth — it stands as the pinnacleof years of learning and growth, and also as the heraldof an unknown future. Recall the endless nights spent in the library, the countless experiments in the lab, and the heated debatesin the classroom; they have all contributed to the person we are today. Armed with a wealth of knowledge, we are ready to embark on a new journey, with a mix of nostalgiafor the past and anticipation for what lies ahead. 当毕业典礼的钟声渐渐远去,我们被提醒着,每一个结束都是一个新的开始。毕业是这一真理的典型象征——它是多年学习和成长的顶点,同时也是未知未来的先声。想象一下,那些在图书馆度过的漫长夜晚,那些在实验室里反复试验的瞬间,还有那些在课堂上激烈辩论的日子,它们都汇聚成了此刻的我们。我们带着满满的知识行囊,准备踏上新的旅程,心中既有对过去的不舍,也有对未来的憧憬。 As you know, losing a job or transitioning from one career to another is not just a setback but an opportunity to reassess, explore new horizons, and embark on a professional journey that aligns more closely with our aspirations and passions. Consider the graphic designer who, after years at an advertising agency, faced layoff, initially feeling lost and fearful. Yet, this turning point allowed him to reevaluatehis interests and strengths, leading him to open his own studio focused on eco-friendly design, finding a stage that truly belonged to him. 失去一份工作或从一种职业过渡到另一种职业,不仅仅是一个挫折,而是一个重新评估、探索新视野、开始与我们的愿望和激情更紧密相连的职业旅程的机会。就像那位在广告公司工作多年的设计师,突然被裁员,起初感到迷茫和恐惧。但正是这个转折点,让他有机会重新审视自己的兴趣和长处,最终他开设了自己的工作室,专注于环保材料的设计,找到了真正属于自己的舞台。 And of course, the end of a relationship is not just a source of negativity and desolation; it also signifiesthe need to love ourselves more, to welcome and embrace a new life and future. For instance, the loneliness following a breakup might plungeone into self-doubt, but it is also an opportunity for self-discovery and growth. Activities such as solo travel, learning new skills, and engaging in volunteer work not only help us move beyond the shadows of the past but also enable us to understand ourselves better, preparing us for new love and life possibilities. 一段关系的结束也不仅仅只留下了消极和颓废,也意味着我们需要更加懂得爱自己,来迎接和拥抱新的生活和未来。比如,分手后的孤独感可能会让人陷入自我怀疑,但这也是自我发现和成长的机会。一个人旅行、学习新技能、投身于志愿服务,这些活动不仅能帮助我们走出过去的阴影,还能让我们更加了解自己,准备好迎接新的爱情和生活的可能性。 At every turn in life, we experience loss, fear, and uncertainty, but these feelings are the very forces that propel us forward. They remind us that life is not a straight line but a journey filled with twists and scenery. Each ending is an opportunity for us to redefine ourselves and reconnect with the world. Let us embrace every ending with gratitude, for they herald new beginnings, new hope, and a new self. 在生活的每一个转折点,我们都会经历失落、恐惧、不确定,但这些感受正是推动我们前进的力量。它们提醒我们,生活不是一条直线,而是一条充满曲折和风景的旅程。每一次的结束,都是我们重新定义自己、重新连接世界的机会。让我们带着感激的心情,拥抱每一个结束,因为它们预示着新的开始,新的希望和新的自我。 文本、录音、剪辑、主播:孟飞Phoenix 封面图片:AI BGM:Ralph Zurmuhle - For Michael 张晗,冯晓宇,张圣潇 - 凤凰花开的路口