

2024-08-30    03'28''

主播: 孟飞Phoenix

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声音、文稿、剪辑、主播:孟飞Phoenix ▽ May beauty be your constantcompanion 愿世间美好与你环环相扣 In this vast universe, each of us is like an independent planet, solitaryyet interconnected. We long to be understood and tenderly cared for, yet often overlook that we too can be a source of warmth in the eyes of others. 在这广阔的世界中,我们每个人都是一颗独自闪耀的星星,虽然各自独立,却以不同的方式相互照耀。我们总是渴望得到理解与温柔,却可能没注意到,自己也能成为别人世界里的一束光。 Gentleness and patience are not innate; they are more like a gently flowing stream or a tiny wildflower by the roadside, waiting to be discovered and cherished. Though everyone has limits to their patience, when we meet someone special, these seemingly minorqualities can extend infinitely. 温柔和耐心不是与生俱来的天赋,它们更像是需要我们细心寻找和呵护的涓涓细流或路旁不起眼的小花。即便我们的耐性有其极限,但面对特别的人,这些品质似乎总能被无限放大。 Who stays with you through sleepless nights? Who is the first to lend a helping hand when you're in a slump? These ordinary yet unique moments are manifestationsof tenderness towards you. Everyone has a side of gentleness, and the key lies in whether you are worthy of such gentleness from others. 深夜里谁陪你度过失眠时光?低谷中谁第一个伸出援手?这些看似普通却独特的瞬间,正是他们对你的温柔体现。每个人都有温柔的一面,关键在于你是否值得他人付出这份温柔。 In love, mutual gentleness and patience are the accumulationsof time spent together through the years. Within the family, patience is reflected in the endless care and tolerance parents have for their children. In friendship, patience is the cornerstone of mutual trust and support. 在爱情中,彼此的温柔和耐心是漫长岁月里积累的点滴。在家庭里,耐心体现为父母对子女无尽的关爱与包容。在友情中,耐心是相互信任和支持的基石。 However, patience is not something that should be taken for granted; it needs to be valued and reciprocated. In this fast-paced world, patience is a rare and precious quality. Let us not forget to give and cherish patience amidstour busy lives. 然而,耐心并非理所当然,它需要被珍视和回应。在这个快节奏的世界里,耐心是稀缺而宝贵的品质。让我们在忙碌中不忘给予并珍惜彼此的耐心。 For in this noisy world, patience and gentleness are the warmest forces, capable of penetratingthe cold and soothing the heart. When you become someone deserving of gentle treatment, you will find that the whole world treats you with tenderness. 因为在这喧嚣的世界里,耐心和温柔是最温暖的力量,能穿透冰冷,抚慰人心。当你成为值得温柔对待的人,你会发现整个世界都会以温柔相待。 文本、录音、剪辑、主播:孟飞Phoenix BGM:October - Recollection Dave Greening - Midnight