S02E011 Fork & Knife

S02E011 Fork & Knife

2016-05-02    13'07''

主播: 每日5分钟英语

478 61

我们的微博已经开通啦: weibo.com/5minsenglish, 或者搜索‘每日5分钟英语’就可以找到我们啦。 关键词 fork and knife cutlery napkin tine If you want to say it’s excellent or if you want to say it was bad. If you cross your knife into the tines in the middle of the plate that means the meal was bad. When you’re signaling for the next course, for example from entrée to main course, put the fork facing up and knife facing to the left in the middle of the plate. Alex的私人微信号,从今天起每天晚上7点到8点开放,其他时间微信号搜不到的哦。是私人微信号啊,私人微信号,私人微信号。 我微信号比较复杂: alex_zq_yu,