1. Look at her, a mask of innocence. 你瞧瞧她那一副天真的假面具.
2. He&`&s gone now. You can turn off your charm. 他走了,把你的媚态收起来吧.
3. You can cut the pose 你用不着摆那种姿势.
4. There&`&s no use kidding yourself. 自欺何益之有?
5. He kills with his smile. 他笑里藏刀.
6. You don&`&t know him. He&`&s a hypocrite. 你不晓得他的真面貌,他是个伪君子.
7. He&`&s two-faced. 他是个双面人.
8. She is nothing but a backbiter. 她是个当面诌媚、背后中伤人的东西.
9. What an actor! 多了不起的一位演员!
10. She&`&s such a goody-goody. 她太会假充好人.