

2021-06-30    00'28''

主播: 莺書燕画FM

1655 1

【双语字幕发音】主席在“七一勋章”颁授仪式讲话.02 We must put the people's interests first and work to serve the people, address their needs, and attend to their problems. 对人民饱含深情,心中装着人民,工作为了人民,想群众之所想,急群众之所急,解群众之所难。 【拼音版】 dui ren min bao han shen qing, xin zhong zhuang zhe ren min, gong zuo wei le ren min, xiang qun zhong zhi suo xiang, ji qun zhong zhi suo ji, jie qun zhong zhi suo nan.