

2016-02-26    06'45''

主播: 凤梨瓦瓦

1713 456

由于家里有人休息,声音难免略有变态,请听友见谅。祝大家周末愉快 原文: On February 26th FIFA’s member associations will hold a secret ballot—what else?—in Zurich to choose a newpresident who will replace Sepp Blatter. The omens are not good. Mr Blatter bequeathed his successor an organisation in crisis. His fifth term was cut short after the indictment last year of several of the game’s biggest-wigs for alleged money-laundering. He has since been suspended from football for eight years for making an undocumented SFr2m ($2.1m) payment to Michel Platini, then head of Europe’s football body. (Mr Platini, once a favourite to succeed Mr Blatter, has also been suspended from the game; both men deny wrongdoing.) 生词: 1 ballot |ˈbælət| [不可数名词, 可数名词] the system of voting in writing and usually in secret; an occasion on which a vote is held (无记名)投票选举;投票表决 secret ballot 无记名投票; 不记名投票; 2 Zurich 英 [ˈzuərik] n. 苏黎世; 3 omen 英 [ˈəʊmən] n. 前兆; 征兆; 预兆; 兆头; vt. 预示; 预告; 有…的前兆; 4 bequeath 英 [bɪˈkwi:ð] vt. 将(财物等)遗赠给; 将(知识等)传给(后人) 5 indictment 英 [ɪnˈdaɪtmənt] n. 诉状,起诉书; 刑事起诉书; 控告,起诉; 6 big wig 大人物,要人,大亨; wig 假发 7 allege |əˈledʒ| VERB (未提出证据而)断言,指称,声称 If you allege that something bad is true, you say it but do not prove it 8 money laundering [ˈmʌni ˈlɔ:ndərɪŋ] N-UNCOUNT 洗钱 Money laundering is the crime of processing stolen money through a legitimate business or sending it abroad to a foreign bank, to hide the fact that the money was illegally obtained. 9 SFr Swiss Franc 瑞士法郎