【晚安.絮语.故事】 茗记

【晚安.絮语.故事】 茗记

2016-04-23    03'36''

主播: 一隅のY小姐

401 13

你有没有觉得 Do you have a feeling like that?    有段时间你会特别喜欢回忆   Sometimes you always like to recalling.   喜欢想一想以前的生活和日子 And like to think of the past time and past things.   那个时候的场景和声音,反复在你脑子里播放 Some sight and sounds repeat again and again in your head.    而你也总会觉得   And you always fell     这段时间才刚刚过去 it past just now. 也许你只是努力想否认   Maybe you try to deny it hard.But you can't. 自己会如此难忘记这一段时间,一群 It too unforgettable sometime,some people     和一个人    and the just one. 伙伴们有时候会说你见色忘友 They always said that I love beautiful girl than my friends,     因为每天我都在走廊上等着看她 Because I must wait to see her everyday.    上学放学,下课出操 Go to school, leave school, classes over,and exercise time.  把自己生活的一大半,倾注在她的身上 I spent on her for majority of my life    当时想,也许   Then I thought,  这就是柏拉图式的恋爱吧 May be that it is the Platonic love    虽然不敢奢望太多 Though I know it impossible,    但还是很希望有一天 I hope her    她能够看到我   can notice me one day. 很多时候一件微不足道的事情 Maybe it is a very small thing,     会成为你某一个生活阶段的全部 but it becomes all your life sometimes.    你的喜怒哀乐,都将由此而来 You cry and you laugh, all due to it.  伙伴们伪装配合偷取照片的经过 When we have a party, my friends and I always talk about the photograph,     成为我们每次聚会必谈的勇事 how they disguised and coordinated with each other. 虽然,这个频率一次比一次少,而我们 But it became less and less.    也一次比一次笑的无聊    And we laughed more and more boring. 你知道一份积累并压制了很久的感情 As you know, one repressed emotion for along time,     往往会导致一个勇敢的决定    Often to lead to a brave decision. 当我用了很长时间 终于完成一幅她的肖像画时, When I finished her portrait for a long time,   我决定   I decided to   悄悄送给她   send it to her quietly.   我只能想 I only comfort myself that    “天将降大任与斯人也” "Every tragedy makes heroes of common people"    这场与坏人的遭遇和撕碎的照片,让我 Because of they made my photo to pieces,     记清楚了过程中的每个细节 I remembered all the details.     接下来的画面   The following   被我的大脑一遍遍的加工重构 was remained many times in my head. 我分不清真假,我只看见   I can't recognize it was true or false,  在一片片花瓣飞舞的幻镜里  完美的定格图像   I only seen a perfect picture in flying petals.  即便是高考的结束 Although the college entrance exam was over,    对于很多我们的故事来讲   for our stories, was not finished.    却无法是一个完整的句号 Maybe all those brought can be left,    所有带走的,未必留下 all those left    丢弃的,也未必遗忘 can not be forgot.    唯一成事实的 The only truth,    就像一首歌中唱出的那样   Liked some people said in a song,  “有些故事,还没讲完那就算了吧, "If the story is not finished, let it pass.    那些心情在岁月中,已经难辨真假, We can't know which is true in the past years.    我们就这样,各自       We leave like this,    奔天涯” Drifted apart."