《Pendulum》Tatiana Owens

《Pendulum》Tatiana Owens

2017-07-10    03'59''

主播: ╰つ安久

973 11

Pendulum 歌手:Tatiana Owens I pick up the phone to call 我拿起电话 I dial 323 按下323 And quick hang up and stare at the wall 便快速挂断慌乱地盯着对面的墙壁 Would he even talk to me? 怀疑他根本不想跟我说话 I write down what I wanna say 于是我写下我想说的一切 But then I throw the page away 不待写完又将纸团揉成一团扔掉 Part of me saying he's not even worth the pain 心里一个声音说着他所应得的远不止这点疼痛 Part of me keeps wishing he were in my arms again 另一个自己却又不断期许着能重新将他拥在怀里 There's a pendulum swinging in my heart tonight 整夜难以抉择的钟摆在我心里不断摇摆 Back and forth, keeping score 反复不断,难分胜负 Should I love him or leave him I can't decide 我无法抉择到底该继续爱他还是就此离开 Tell me which is wrong and which is right 告诉我哪个是对哪个是错 Was it perfect? 这是否准确 Is it fading? 是否渐渐不再像从前 Is it worth it? 是否还值得 Is it breaking? 是否已无法挽回 How much longer can I wonder if he's the one? 不知道我还会执迷于他就是我命中注定的人直到何时 Or if this is done 亦或是看开一切 I can't stop this pendulum, yeah 我只是没法停下这犹豫的钟摆 No, I can't stop this pendulum 我只是没法选择 It's so hard to picture him 无法想像 Holding someone else 他和别人牵手的画面 But then a voice is whispering 但却有个声音在低语 I'm better off by myself 劝我最好还是自己离开 My friends are taking me out tonight 我的朋友今夜带我出来狂欢 But I get him off my mind 好让我忘却 Part of me knows why we drifted we were both to blame 我知道我们会沦落至今是因为彼此都有错 Part of me can help us hear it when I say his name 然而又清楚的听到自己在叫他的名字 There's a pendulum swinging in my heart tonight 整夜难以抉择的钟摆在我心里不断摇摆 Back and forth, keeping score 反复不断,难分胜负 Should I love him or leave him I can't decide 我无法抉择到底该继续爱他还是就此离开 Tell me which is wrong and which is right 谁来告诉我什么是对,什么是错 Was it perfect? 这是否准确 Is it fading? 是否渐渐不再像从前 Is it worth it? 是否还值得 Is it breaking? 是否已无法挽回 How much longer can I wonder if he's the one? 不知道我还会执迷于他就是我命中注定的人直到何时 Or if this is done 亦或是看开一切 I can't stop this pendulum 我只是没法停下这犹豫的钟摆 They always say when you know 他们总说你当你明白的时候就会看开 You know 然而 I just can't figure this out on my own 这么久我就是没法自己看开 Someone please tell me which way to go 谁能来告诉我我到底该何去何从 Where do I go? 我该怎么办 Cause I can't stop this pendulum 因为我总是犹豫不决无法抉择 There's a pendulum swinging in my heart tonight 整夜难以抉择的钟摆在我心里不断摇摆 Back and forth, keeping score 反复不断,难分胜负 Should I love him or leave him I can't decide 我无法抉择到底该继续爱他还是就此离开 Tell me which is wrong and which is right 谁来告诉我什么是对,什么是错 Was it perfect? 这是否准确 Is it fading? 是否渐渐不再像从前 Is it worth it? 是否还值得 Is it breaking? 是否已渐渐无法挽回 How much longer can I wonder if he's the one? 不知道我还会执迷于他就是我命中注定的人直到何时 Or if this is done 亦或是看开一切 I can't stop this pendulum 我只是没法停下这犹豫的钟摆 How much longer can I wonder if he's the one? 不知道我还会执迷于他就是我命中注定的人直到何时 Or if this is done 亦或是看开一切 I can't stop this pendulum, yeaaah 我只是没法停下这犹豫的钟摆 I can't stop this pendulum 我只是没法停下这犹豫的钟摆 I can't stop this pendulum 我只是没法停下这犹豫的钟摆 No, I can't stop this pendulum 不,我只是没法停下