《Ordinary Day》Melanie Penn

《Ordinary Day》Melanie Penn

2017-11-25    02'46''

主播: ╰つ安久

402 14

Ordinary Day 歌手:Melanie Penn It was an ordinary day 平凡的一天 I woke up on a wave 我在梦中波浪的摇晃中醒来 I filled a sail 我坐上了小船 And made my way to the shore 往岸边出发了 I blew through the center of your town 我随风吹过你的小镇 Came upon your house through your window 来到了你的屋子前 在那里等你 and I came through your screen door 等你来到纱门前 I asked you 我问你 Can you hear me blow? 可曾听到我吹来的声音 Though you don’t know 可是你并不知道 Where I’m coming from 我从哪里来 Or where I go? 又会去往何方 It was an ordinary night 平凡的一晚 I met some fireflies 我遇见了一些萤火虫 I danced around with them 我与它们共舞 Until about 9 o’clock 直到晚上九点 Heard your footsteps on the road 听见你走路的脚步声 I ran to bring you home 我赶紧去带你回家 And I whispered through the leaves 经过树叶,发出沙沙声 Up and down your block 在你身边徘徊 Oh I’m a summer breeze 噢 我是夏天的微风 I brush across your cheek 轻柔地摩挲你的脸颊 I have always been 我一直是 And I will always be 而且我永远都是 You can hear me blow 你听得到我吹动的风声 Although you don’t know 可是你并不知道 Where I’m comin from 我从哪里来 Or where I go 又会去往何方 It’s me when you catch the fragrance 当你闻到春天的气息,那就是我啊 of spring 春天的气息 When tall trees sway 当树在风中摇曳时 It’s me in the cold winter sting 我就在那冬天刺骨冷风中啊 In the alleyway 在幽幽小巷中 I am the sigh 往岸边出发了 While all creation groans and waits 当天地万物在抱怨和等待时 You can hear me speak 你可以听见我说话 If you’re listenin 如果你真心聆听 I will always be 我永远都是 And I have always been 一直都是 You can hear me blowin 你听得到我吹动的风声 Although you don’t know 虽然你并不知道 Where I’m comin from 我从哪里来 Or where I go 又会去往何方 La la la 啦啦啦