《Theme of King J.J.》梅林太郎 / Linus Norda

《Theme of King J.J.》梅林太郎 / Linus Norda

2018-05-07    03'42''

主播: ╰つ安久

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各位有看过《冰上的尤里》的不 主要是没想到真的有这么一首歌 JJ才是亲儿子啊 Theme of King J.J. 歌手:梅林太郎 / Linus Norda Now 此刻 I rule the world 世界就在我手旁 and the starry sky 漫天星辰 spreading above 铺满头顶穹苍 I never give up even with the night should fall 我永不言弃 即使夜幕降临 always do my best 始终追求最强 I look into the mirror 我看向镜中 the king looks back at me 镜中的王亦回眸相望 I can rule the world JJ 我能主宰这个世界 JJ just follow me 何不随我远航 I will break the walls 我将打破高墙屏障 now look at me 现在就看向我吧 fools will be the blind side of the enemies 愚者将是敌人的致命伤 this is who I am 这便是我 just remember me 记住我的荣光 I am the king JJ 我是JJ 更是王 no one defeats me 无人可挡 this is who I am baby 这便是我 baby just follow me off the ground 跟随我离开这片土壤 and all the beauty's in his hands 和他手中的满目琳琅 now I can reach the stars 璀璨星河我触手可及 and I will show you how 让你亲眼所见又何妨 whenever you feel stand alone 每当你感到孤独而悲伤 never shed a tear 不要留下一滴滴泪水 if you always smile on face 若你总是以笑容抵抗 you'll make it through the rain 便可穿过雨幕收获希望 I never give in how high the mountains rise 我永不言弃 纵使山高路漫长 keep looking ahead 依旧昂首目视前方 I look into the mirror 我看向镜中 the king looks back on me 镜中的王亦回眸相望 I can change the world JJ 我能改变这个世界 JJ just follow me 你又何不随我远航 catch me if you can 或已足够自信来寻我战个欢畅? and look at me 注视着我吧 I am brave enough to fight the enemies 勇敢如我令敌人闻风投降 this is who I am 这便是我 just remember me 记住我的荣光 I am the king JJ 我是JJ 更是王 no one can stop me 无人可挡 this is who I am baby 这便是我 baby just follow me on the top 跟随我 享受繁盛安康 on the whole universe 在浩渺宇宙之上 now I can reach the stars 璀璨星河我触手可及 and I will show you how 让你亲眼所见又何妨 I never give up even with the night should fall 我永不言弃 即使夜幕将至 always do my best 始终追求最强 I look into the mirror 我看向镜中的王 the king smiles at me 他亦注视着我 嘴角上扬