《Words》The Real Group

《Words》The Real Group

2020-05-10    03'04''

主播: ╰つ安久

813 9

Words 歌手:The Real Group Words 文字 a letter and a letter on a string 是书面的字句,是口中的韵律 will hold forever humanity spellbound 是让人类永远着迷的咒语 Words 文字 possession of the beggar and the king 是乞丐的珍宝,是国王的财富 everybody, everyday 每个人,每一天 you and I, we all can say 你和我,我们都在讲述 Words 文字 regarded as a complicated tool 被视作繁杂的工具 created by man, implicated by mankind 由人类创造,受人类牵连 Words 文字 obsession of the genius and the fool 是天才的困扰,是愚者的烦恼 everybody, everyday, 每个人,每一天 everywhere and everyway 无论在何处,以任何方式 Words! 文字 Find them, you can use them 发现,便将其可以自如运用 Say them, you can hear them 讲述,让它被更多人所聆听 Write them, you can read them 书写,即可供后人时刻赏阅 Love them, fear them 爱着,更切记要有敬畏之心 Words 文字 transmitted as we're fitted from the start 生来便无处不在 received by all and we're sentenced to a life with 人人用它接受消息,判决一个生命的归去 Words 文字 impression of the stupid and the smart 无知者用来宣泄,智者用以抒怀 everybody, everyday 每个人,每一天 you and I, we all can say 你和我,我们都在讲述 Words 文字 inside your head can come alive as they're said 仿若深入骨髓的天赋,当我们赋予其情感 softly, loudly, modestly or proudly 便也显得或温柔似水、或激情高昂、或谨小慎微、或得意洋洋 Words 文字 expression by the living and the dead 是生者的日记本,是亡灵的墓志铭 everybody, everyday 每个人,每一天 everywhere and everyway 无论在何处,以任何方式 Words! 文字 Find them, you can use them 发现,便将其可以自如运用 Say them, you can hear them 讲述,让它被更多人所聆听 Write them, you can read them 书写,即可供后人时刻赏阅 Love them, fear them 爱着,更切记要有敬畏之心 Words 文字 a letter and a letter on a string 是书面的字句,是口中的韵律 Words 文字 possession of the beggar and the king 是乞丐的珍宝,是国王的财富 Words 文字 regarded as a complicated tool 被视作繁杂的工具 Words 文字 obsession of the genius and the fool 是天才的困扰,是愚者的烦恼 Words 文字 transmitted as we're fitted from the start 生来便无处不在 Words 文字 impression of the stupid and the smart 无知者用来宣泄,智者用以抒怀 Words 文字 inside your head can come alive as they're said 仿若深入骨髓的天赋,被我们赋予情感 Words 文字 expression by the living and the dead 是生者的日记本,是亡灵的墓志铭 Find them, use them 发现,便将其可以自如运用 Say them, hear them 讲述,让它被更多人所聆听 Write them, read them 书写,即可供后人时刻赏阅 Love them, fear them 爱着,更切记要有敬畏之心 Find them, you can use them 发现,便将其可以自如运用 Say them, you can hear them 讲述,让它被更多人所聆听 Write them, you can read them 书写,即可供后人时刻赏阅 Love them, fear them 爱着,更切记要有敬畏之心 Words 文字 a letter and a letter on a string 是书面的字句,是口中的韵律