《Gone》Kaylee Johnston

《Gone》Kaylee Johnston

2020-05-14    02'50''

主播: ╰つ安久

666 7

Gone 歌手:Kaylee Johnston You can got me love song, you could do it all night, but you won't face me 你可以整夜给我写情歌 却不愿与我共度良宵o( ̄ヘ ̄o#) Yeah you're not at the point, you wouldn't know because you're not listening baby 嗯~你就是没有抓到重点 就是因为你没有认真倾听 So when you got lost you so much you can get away with anything 所以当迷失方向时 你就立马抽身离开 Tell me I'm the one, I may be mad but I'm not so much crazy 说我是你的唯一啊!这样我就没那么生气啦~ Did you really think that you could just come running back 你就真的以为你可以投进我的怀抱吗? Oh 哼 did you hear me? 你聋了吗? I say no, not coming back, I’m gone 不行不行!我离开了就不会回来了! Baby I'm so gone gone gone gone 甜心 我已经走远了 Woo 呜~ try to tell me 试着告诉我 I need you 你需要我 好吗 Why you couldn't be around 为什么你就不能在我身边呢? Cause baby I'm so gone gone gone gone 宝宝 因为我已经走远了 So when you got a new bed, and if it's different from the other 当你另结新欢 她是多么的与众不同 But I can tell by your face your corse your meats still let it discover 在被我发现之前 我也可以明确的告诉你 They got you moving heart so I can move on to better lovers 你对她们动心 我也可以放开手寻找我的真爱了 I know you want me back 我知道你所做的一切只是想我重新投进你的怀抱 Who’s different that 我们已经渐行渐远 Yeah we are so over 没错 我们结束了! Did you really think that you could just come running back? 你就真的以为你可以投进我的怀抱吗? Oh 哼 Did you hear me? 你聋了吗? I said no, I’m not coming back, I’m gone 我说不行!我离开了就不会回来了! Baby I'm so gone gone gone gone 甜心 我已经走远了 Woo, 呜~ try to tell me I need you 试着告诉我你需要我呀 Why you couldn't be around 为什么你就不能在我身边呢? Cause baby I'm so gone gone gone gone 宝宝 因为我已经走远了 I still remember the way you laugh, every time you make me cry 你伤害了我却一笑而过 Oh I'm the one who’s laughing now, flying so high in the sky 哼 现在我才是笑得最开心 高高在上的那一个 When I see you below and down, never know why 不知为何当我看着你伤心失望的样子 I was so hung up and now I’m so done 过去我真的很揪心 但 现在休想! Oh 哼 Did you hear me? 你聋了吗? I said no, I‘m not coming back, I’m gone 我都说了不行!我离开了就不会回来了! Baby I'm so gone gone gone gone 甜心 我已经走远了 Woo, 呜~ Try to tell me I need you 试着告诉我你需要我呀 Why you couldn't be around 为什么你就不能在我身边呢? Cause baby I'm so gone gone gone gone 宝宝 因为我已经走远了 Oh 哦~~~ Did you hear me? 聋的传人? I said no, I'm not coming back, I’m gone 都说不行!我离开了就不会回来了! Baby I'm so gone gone gone 甜心 我已经走远了 Woo 呜~ Try to tell me I need you 试着告诉我你需要我呀 Why you couldn't be around 为什么你就不能在我身边呢? Cause baby I'm so gone gone gone gone 宝宝 因为我已经走远了