

2020-11-14    02'13''

主播: ╰つ安久

236 3

Sister 歌手:Haux Open the window 打开窗户 Lock all the doors 把门全都锁上 Spill all your secrets 倾吐你一切秘密 On to the floor 在这片大地上 Remember the bodies 我记得尸横遍野 Remember the war 我记得战乱硝烟 Remember the wanting 铭记我们希冀的 Of what we endured 并为之隐忍的一切 Swallow the silence 吞咽沉默 Choke on the words 哽咽不语 Blow out the candles 吹熄蜡烛 And all that you like 还记得你喜欢的一切 Remember your sister 记得你的姊妹 Remember her love 记得她所有的爱 Remember the cancer 记得那癌症 Filled up her lungs 蔓延她整个肺部 I trusted you X8 我信赖你 Bury the hatchet 冰释前嫌 Under your tears 你泪眼之下 Run with the shadows 愁云萦绕不散 Until we disappear 直到我们消逝不见 Bury the hatchet 言归于好 Under your tears 你泪眼之下 Run with the shadows 愁云萦绕不散 Until we disappear 直到我们消逝不见