《I just wanna run》以喜欢的方式做一个独特的自己

《I just wanna run》以喜欢的方式做一个独特的自己

2017-10-11    08'06''

主播: 知米背单词

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「微信」搜索关注「知米妞」,回复关键词“666”可获得512G的免费在线英语课程哦。 听音乐,学英语,本周来学The Downtown Fiction的《I just wanna run》。 知米背单词「听歌学英语」每周一、三、五更新哦~ --------------------- I just wanna run' hide it away hide: v.躲藏,躲避 Run because they're chasing me down chase sb. down:努力寻找,追捕 I just wanna run' throw it away throw…away:扔掉 Run before they’re finding me out find out:发现。 大家发现了嘛,这几句出现好几个重要词组啦。下面还有噢~ I'm out here all alone alone的用法,我们在之前的电台内容中有讲过,还记得那个句子嘛:He lives alone but he never feels lonely.注意和lonely的区别。 I try to call your house Can't reach you on the phone reach you这里是找到你的意思 I'll gather up the nerve gather up:收集 nerve:n勇气 I'm packing up my bag pack up:收拾,打包 It's more than you deserve deserve:v应受。我们常说的You deserve it!就是你活该的意思。还有个偏正面的意思是值得,比如deserve the respect值得尊敬。二者意思有微妙的差别哈~ Don't treat me like a drag drag:n.累赘 I'm feelin' like I keep on talking keep on:坚持 I'm repeating myself' my words lost all meaning I keep talking I repeat myself repeat:v重复。副词形式repeatedly。 Like a game of chess I predict your move predict:v预示,预示。 名词形式:prediction 形容词形式:predictable,可预见的,可预料的。 I think I know you better Better than you do I'm sick of feeling cheap be sick of:厌倦。同义词组是be tired of,后面跟名词或者动名词 Cheated and abused abuse:v侮辱,滥用,虐待, 同时具有名词词性。