Oh, little prince! Bit by bit(逐渐地) I came to understand the secrets of your sad little
For a long time you had found your only entertainment in the quiet pleasure of
looking at the sunset.
I learned that detail on the morning of the fourth day,
when you said to me: "I am very fond of(喜爱) sunsets. Come, let us go look at a sunset
"But we must wait," I said.
"Wait? For what?"
"For the sunset. We must wait until it is time."
At first you seemed to be very much surprised. And then you laughed to
yourself. You said to me:
"I am always thinking that I am at home!"
Just so. Everybody knows that when it is noon in the United States the sun is
setting over France.
If you could fly to France in one minute, you could go straight into the sunset,
right from noon.
Unfortunately, France is too far away for that.
But on your tiny planet, my little prince, all you need do is move your chair a few steps.
You can see the day end and the twilight(黄昏) falling whenever you like...
"One day," you said to me, "I saw the sunset forty-four times!"
And a little later you added:
"You know-- one loves the sunset, when one is so sad..."
"Were you so sad, then?" I asked, "on the day of the forty-four sunsets?"
But the little prince made no reply.
1. At first you seemed to be very much surprised. And then you laughed to yourself. You said to me:
“I am always thinking that I am at home!”
Just so. Everybody knows that when it is noon in the United States, the sun is setting over France.
而这一段话更深刻的含义,则不得不谈。著名译者李继宏在2013年天津人民出版社所译《小王子》前言中写道,“ 如果不知道安托万·圣埃克苏佩里写《小王子》时身在美国,对沦陷的法国怀有深深的眷恋,我们就会觉得这句话特别突兀。”,现在是不是可以理解作者的处境和心情了?
看一本书,既要看懂字面上的意思,也要联系作者的身平和作品的年代背景,这样才能真正消化一本书,才能切身地理解作者所传达的思想和理念。此外,为什么作者要写小王子对 sunset 的情有独钟呢?因为作者写小王子时,住在一个掩映在乔木之间的公馆,公馆有20多个房间。为了照到太阳,他把扶手椅和画架,一个房间一个房间地从图书室直搬到客厅。就像《小王子》中一天44次的日落:“在你的小小星球上…只需把你的椅子稍微挪一点点…”。但是实际上原文写的是43次日落,《小王子》出版时圣埃克苏佩里43岁,他44岁去世,他死后的版本大都改成了44次来向作者致敬。
好啦,这就是我们Chapter 6的学习内容,不知道大家都听懂了没有呢?那么在节目中呢我们也会给出大家英文原文还有这些重点句子的解析内容,希望大家在听完之后一定要再自己读一遍,同时呢记住这些重点的词汇和句型,这对英语学习是非常重要的,一定一定要自己再读一遍哦。好啦,我们本期的讲解就到这里啦,如果大家有什么意见和问题的话欢迎大家随时跟我联系,如果你喜欢我们的节目的话也请点赞和分享哦。今天就这样啦,我们下期再会喽。