[ Chapter 16 ]
It was now the eighth day since I had had my accident in the desert, and Ilistened to the story of the merchant as I was drinking the last drop of my water supply.
"Ah," I said to the little prince, "these memories of yours are very charming; but I have not yet succeeded in repairing my plane;
I have nothing more to drink; and I, too, should be very happy if I could walk at my leisure(空闲时) toward a spring of fresh water!"
"My friend the fox--" the little prince said to me.
"My dear little man, this is no longer a matter that has anything to do with the fox!"
"Why not?"
"Because I am about to die of thirst..."
He did not follow my reasoning, and he answered me:
"It is a good thing to have had a friend, even if one is about to die.
I, for instance, am very glad to have had a fox as a friend..."
"He has no way of guessing the danger," I said to myself.
"He has never been either hungry or thirsty. A little sunshine is all he needs..."
But he looked at me steadily(坚定地), and replied to my thought:
"I am thirsty, too. Let us look for a well..."
I made a gesture of weariness.
It is absurd to look for a well, at random, in the immensity of the desert.
But nevertheless we started walking.
When we had trudged(艰难前行) along for several hours, in silence, the darkness fell, and the stars began to come out.
Thirst had made me a little feverish, and I looked at them as if I were in a dream.
The little prince‘s last words came reeling(眩晕) back into my memory: "Then you are thirsty, too?" I demanded.
But he did not reply to my question. He merely said to me: "Water may also be good for the heart..."
I did not understand this answer, but I said nothing.
I knew very well that it was impossible to cross-examine(追问) him.
He was tired. He sat down. I sat down beside him. And, after a little silence, he spoke again:
"The stars are beautiful, because of a flower that cannot be seen."
I replied, "Yes, that is so."
And, without saying anything more, I looked across the ridges of sand that were stretched out before us in the moonlight.
"The desert is beautiful," the little prince added.
And that was true. I have always loved the desert.
One sits down on a desert sand dune, sees nothing, hears nothing.
Yet through the silence something throbs, and gleams...
"What makes the desert beautiful," said the little prince, "is that somewhere it hides a well..."
I was astonished by a sudden understanding of that mysterious radiation (光辉)of the sands.
When I was a little boy I lived in an old house, and legend(传说) told us that a treasure was buried there.
To be sure, no one had ever known how to find it; perhaps no one had ever even looked for it.
But it cast an enchantment(魔法) over that house. My home was hiding a secret in the depths of its heart...
"Yes," I said to the little prince.
"The house, the stars, the desert-- what gives them their beauty is something that is invisible(不可见的)!"
"I am glad," he said, "that you agree with my fox."
As the little prince dropped off(打瞌睡) to sleep, I took him in my arms and set out walking once more.
I felt deeply moved, and stirred. It seemed to me that I was carrying a very fragile treasure.
It seemed to me, even, that there was nothing more fragile on all Earth.
In the moonlight I looked at his pale forehead, his closed eyes, his locks of (一缕缕)hair that trembled in the wind, and I said to myself:
"What I see here is nothing but a shell. What is most important is invisible..."
As his lips opened slightly with the suspicious of(一丝) a half-smile, I said to myself, again:
"What moves me so deeply, about this little prince who is sleeping here, is his loyalty(忠诚) to a flower—the image of a rose that shines through his whole being like the flame of a lamp, even when he is asleep..." And I felt him to be more fragile still.
I felt the need of protecting him, as if he himself were a flame that might be extinguished by a little puff of wind...
And, as I walked on so, I found the well, at daybreak(黎明).
"Men," said the little prince, "set out on their way in express trains, but they do not know what they are looking for.
Then they rush about, and get excited, and turn round and round..."
And he added: "It is not worth the trouble..."
The well that we had come to was not like the wells of the Sahara.
The wells of the Sahara are mere holes dug in the sand. This one was like a well in a village.
But there was no village here, and I thought I must be dreaming...
"It is strange," I said to the little prince. "Everything is ready for use: the pulley(滑轮), the bucket, the rope..."
He laughed, touched the rope, and set the pulley to working.
And the pulley moaned, like an old weathervane which the wind has long since forgotten.
"Do you hear?" said the little prince. "We have wakened the well, and it is singing..."
I did not want him to tire himself with the rope.
"Leave it to me," I said. "It is too heavy for you."
I hoisted(吊起) the bucket slowly to the edge of the well and set it there-- happy, tired as I was, over my achievement.
The song of the pulley was still in my ears, and I could see the sunlight shimmer in the still trembling water.
"I am thirsty for this water," said the little prince. "Give me some of it to drink..."
And I understood what he had been looking for.(1007 words)
1. I made a gesture of weariness. It is absurd to look for a well, at random, in the immensity of the desert. 我显出厌倦的样子。在茫茫沙漠中寻找水井,这真荒唐
「make a gesture of sth」:作出…的手势
「at random」:“随意地,漫无目的地”
「in the immensity of the desert」:在广袤的沙漠中
你们能从中感受到“我”作为成年人, 对小王子的“厌恶”吗?从成人的角度出发,在沙漠里寻找水井显然是十分不可取的,更何况还是漫无目的地(at random),但是你们也知道了,在后面他们确实找到了水井,所以你怎么看?
2. When we had trudged along for several hours, in silence, the darkness fell, and
the stars began to come out. 当我们默默地走了好几个小时以后,天黑了下来,星星开始发出光亮。
「trudge along」:一路跋涉
「in silence」:沉默地
「the darkness fell」:夜幕降临
「come out」:出来
3. The little prince’s last words came reeling back into my memory. 小王子最后几句话,在我脑海里时隐时现。
「reel back」如果你们查词典,可以看到,有“踉跄着后退” 的意思,一般指人,这里指小王子的话语“踉踉跄跄退回我的记忆中”,也就是 “在我脑海里时隐时现”,所以有点拟人的感觉~
那为什么这里 reel 要加 ing 形式呢? 可以把「reeling back …」 这部分看作前面 「came」 动作的伴随,表示小王子的话来了——“踉踉跄跄地”地来。
4. As the little prince dropped off to sleep, I took him in my arms and set out walking once more. I felt deeply moved, and stirred. It seemed to me that I was carrying a very fragile treasure.
「drop off to sleep」:“ 不知不觉地入睡 ”。
「set out doing 」:开始做
作者把小王子形容成「fragile treasure」“脆弱的,易碎的宝贝”。我们对自己宝贝的东西,不都是这种态度吗,捧在手心怕碎了,含在嘴里怕化了。
5. As his lips opened slightly with the suspicion of a half-smile.
好啦,这就是我们Chapter 16的学习内容,不知道大家都听懂了没有呢?那么在节目中呢我们也会给出大家英文原文还有这些重点句子的解析内容,希望大家在听完之后一定要再自己读一遍,同时呢记住这些重点的词汇和句型,这对英语学习是非常重要的,一定一定要自己再读一遍哦。好啦,我们本期的讲解就到这里啦,如果大家有什么意见和问题的话欢迎大家随时跟我联系,如果你喜欢我们的节目的话也请点赞和分享哦。今天就这样啦,我们下期再会喽。