最近感冒了,所以暂时做不了新的节目。这个是上学期我被邀请去我校广播站作访谈的音频。希望大家喜欢。RaW 1251AM 是英国华威大学(University of Warwick)学生广播站。Talking Point 是由我们英语系的 Catherine Pearson主持的一个访谈节目,包罗万象无所不谈。每周邀请嘉宾都会有一个小时时间跟大家聊一些英国年轻人关注的话题。英国是一个文学氛围很浓的国家,所以话题自然是绕不过文学的,诗歌、小说、散文都是闲聊的话题。这一期是我被邀请去分享自己写的英文短篇小说《范氏之钟》,根据春秋时期的著名故事掩耳盗铃改编。分享完后还顺便侃了侃《琅琊榜》哦!
RaW 12151AM is a national award-winning and acclaimed Student Radio Station. As one of the most active and respected societies at the university there is always something going on that you can take part in. We give you the chance to host your own show, regardless of your prior experience or ability: you can play the music you love, share an interest in sport, music, the arts or anything that takes your fancy.