【尚友出品】托福口语TPO示范音频 TPO29 Q2

【尚友出品】托福口语TPO示范音频 TPO29 Q2

2014-11-08    00'47''

主播: 当绿July

64 19

Task 2 I definitely prefer to study with no people around. Once, I went to the library to study for my finals the next day. There were really a lot of people in that reading room. Although everybody was so quite that there was absolutely no noise, I was still feeling uncomfortable. It was like everybody was just staring at me quietly. I just couldn’t write or read a single word. Therefore, my efficiency that day was really low, and I got a really unsatisfactory grade in the exam. Ever since, I have never been to library for study. And I could be really efficient if I am alone. Because only at that time can I totally focus on my books, without worrying about others around.