托福TPO20 Conversation2

托福TPO20 Conversation2

2014-11-20    02'57''

主播: 当绿July

186 54

TPO20 Section2 Conversation2-Student&Professor Narrator Listen to a conversation between a student and a professor . Student Professor Jennings, I hope I am not interrupting, but you wanted to see me? Professor Oh, hello, Suzane. Yes, yes, come right in. How are you doing? Student All right. Professor Well, good. The reason I wanted to talk to you was that while you were presenting you linguistics project in class the other day, well, you know, I was thinking you are a perfect candidate for the dean’s undergraduate research fund. Student Um ... Professor , I am really sure what the... um ... dean .... Professor Undergraduate research fund is ... It is a mouthful I suppose. OK. Here’s the thing. Every year the school has a pool of money to fund a number of research projects of undergraduate students. Because as you can imagine, indepth research often requires monetary support. Student I would like to expand on my research. Professor Good. First a panel of professors reviews the applications for the grant. And then they decide which project should be funded. The alloted money could be used for travel expenses, to attend a conference for example, or things like supplies, research equipment, resources that are necessary to conduct the research. Student I see. Professor Right. And I think you should apply for this grant. Your project is definitely eligible . And you can expand it if you have the necessary resources. So, does it sound like something you would be interested in? Student Oh, yeah, sounds great. I thought the topic I work on was very interesting, and it is certainly relevant to my linguistics major . I assume it will also look good when I try to get into graduate school. But how do I apply for the grant? Professor It is pretty straightforward. A brief description of your proposed project, and an estimated budget. How much you need to spend and what you intend to spend it on. Also a glowing letter of recommendation from a linguistics professor wouldn’t hurt, which I’d be more than happy to write up for you. Student OK. Cool. I am pretty clear on how to carry out my project, but I am not sure where I can find more information on the subject. Professor Well, I have already thought of that. There’s this private library at a university in Boston. By the way, because I graduated from that school, I can get you access to it, no problem. You see, the library houses lots of unpublished documents that are relevant to your topic. Student So I can put that on the application for the grant, that I plan on using material from that library for my research and figure a trip to Boston into my budget? Professor Exactly. I really think judging from your work in class, and the relevance and clarity of this project, you really have a good chance of getting the funding. Student OK. I’ll definitely apply then. Professor The sooner the better . It is due in a few weeks. Gook Luck! And I’ll get that letter written up right away.
上一期: 托福TPO20 Lecture2
下一期: 托福TPO20 Lecture3