天上的街市 作者 郭沫若 中英文朗诵 杨小田

天上的街市 作者 郭沫若 中英文朗诵 杨小田

2021-10-06    02'22''

主播: windy He

271 0

《天上的街市》中英文 作者 郭沫若 远远的街灯明了, 好像闪着无数的明星。 天上的明星现了, 好像点着无数的街灯。 我想那缥渺的空中, 定然有美丽的街市。 街市上陈列的一些物品, 定然是世上没有的珍奇。 你看,那浅浅的天河, 定然是不甚宽广。 我想那隔河的牛郎织女, 定能够骑着牛儿来往。 我想他们此刻, 定然在天街闲游。 不信, 请看那朵流星。 是他们提着灯笼在走。 Street in Heaven Guo Moruo Blink, blink, Street lamps bat their eyes: So many flickering stars! High up in the sky They look like street lamps All newly lit. Up in the blue, high in the air There must be a street fair With all the exquisite treasures Earth never knows. But that shallow Milky Way Cannot be very wide, Or the Girl Weaver star Could never meet her Cowherd Riding along the other shore. They’re wandering up there Right now, aren’t they, Up in the streets of Heaven? Aren’t they? Just look at that shooting star: I’m afraid, It’s their lantern, Held in their hand As they go strolling side by side.