

2016-09-14    08'23''

主播: 中華之聲VOC Judy Padma

96 4

Judy Padma(朱巧鳯)| 广电英语主持 | 高级英语翻译 | 最尊贵(差一秒)同声传译 | 高级翻译 | 《解密英语少儿英语》《解密英语基因(初中版)》《常用英语口语999句》 《商务英语口语实战》《外贸函电英语》《26字母的奥秘和字母组合发音》《英语48国际音标突破》《佛法与生活(英译著作)》等著作教授 The harder I study, the better my English will be. 我越努力,我的英语就会越好。 ****** ****** ****** 成功只属于每天坚持不懈学习英语的人! Success belongs to the people who are sticking to learning English everyday ! .......... 合作或交流请加微信 549587513(QQ) PLEASE CONTACT ME IF CO-OPERATION OR COMMUNICATION ADD WECHAT:voc_Judy_Padma QQ:549587513 一个人的时候,听荔枝FM. Please listen to Lichee FM when you are alone. 14th. Sept, 2016. Wednesday 366. What you need is just rest. 你需要的就是休息。 367. What's your favorite steps? 你最喜欢跳什么舞? 368. You'd better let her alone. 你们最好是让她一个人呆会儿。 369. A lost chance never returns. 错过的机会永不再来。 370. Don't let this get you down. 不要为此灰心丧气。 630. It seemed as if there was no way out. 看情形似乎没有出路了。 631. It's the hottest day I've had so far. 这是迄今为止我经历的最热的一天。 632. Mr. Smith is in charge of this class/meeting. 史密斯老师负责该班/会议。 633. Mr. Smith taught English at a school. 史密斯先生在一所学校教英语。 634. None of us is afraid of difficulties.我们当中没有一个人害怕困难。 Happy Mid-autumn Festival ! 中秋节快乐!