[嘴唇]今日分享Today's Share~
在英語翻譯里,意識mind, 靈魂soul, 思維thought, 心裡psychology,心heart,心識heart & mind 是有差別的。
In English Translation, There's some difference among "mind, soul, thought, psychology, heart, heart-mind. "
但都屬於非物質形態,即看不見,但能感知Feeling & Sensing 到。
But they all belong to Mind-field, non-physical field, unseeing, but you can feel and sense.
Essence, Qi and Spirit indicate a person's spiritual appearance.
Words invention was much later than mind, which expressed only 60-70% accuracy of mind field.
In fact, if you want to break up the concept of words prison, over-speeding the physical and mind level, need practice and wisdom.
The Buddha practiced the wisdom, so do we practice this kind of wisdom.
~~~~ Judy Padma
22nd. Feb., 2017
Red Bridge, WutongMountain, SZ