《One Moment 一剎(作曲:Cesli Vane德國)~電影《血痕》主題曲》

《One Moment 一剎(作曲:Cesli Vane德國)~電影《血痕》主題曲》

2018-05-11    14'34''

主播: 中華之聲VOC Judy Padma

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《One Moment》 《一剎》 電影《血痕》主題曲 Lyrics By Judy Padma Composer: Cesli Vane (Germany) 花開總有花落時 一晃人生五十載 千呼萬喚始出來 故人還在魂不再 Flowers blooming and the time of dropping One moment of life passed 50 years I've been calling you from my heart My old lover's still here but soul is gone 一心思故人 一念守承諾 恍如昨夜一場夢 愛恨情仇誰對錯 One heart missed my lover One mind kept my promises Like a dream of yesterday Who is right, who is wrong for love story 一剎清風化作相思淚 也不解我心頭的思與愁 青山綠水伴孤獨 人間天堂剎那間 One moment of wind changed missing tears No expression of missing and sorrow in my mind Green mountains and water are with my loneliness One moment between world and heaven 一剎天邊彩雲間 化作清風伴故人 夜夜月兒藏入夢 也難斷我思念淚 One moment of clouds in the sky Changing wind's with my lover Every night, the moon hides my dreams Never breaks my missing tears 一剎如昨日清風 一睡恍如昨日夢 醒來確已物是非 青山綠水已不在 One moment is like yesterday's wind One sleeping is like yesterday's dream Everything is gone when the time of waking Green mountains and water's gone 一心思故人 一念守承諾 恍如昨夜一場夢 愛恨情仇誰對錯 One heart missed my lover One mind kept my promises Like a dream of yesterday Who is right, who is wrong for love story 一剎清風化作相思淚 也不解我心頭的思與苦 青山綠水伴孤獨 天堂地獄剎那間 One moment of wind changed missing tears No expression of missing and bitter in my mind Green mountains and water's with my loneliness One moment between the world and heaven 一剎天邊彩雲間 化作清風伴故人 夜夜月兒藏入夢 也難斷我思念淚 One moment of clouds in the sky Changing wind's with my lover Every night, the moon hides my dreams Never breaks my missing tears