《面對面 Face To Face》詞曲唱昊翰 英語Jud Padma

《面對面 Face To Face》詞曲唱昊翰 英語Jud Padma

2018-08-09    06'09''

主播: 中華之聲VOC Judy Padma

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主播: 中華之聲VOC Brief Introduction 个人简介 Judy Padma(朱巧鳯) 广电英语主持 高级英语翻译 同声传译 《解密英语少儿英语》 《解密英语基因(初中版)》 《常用英语口语999句》 《商务英语口语实战》 《外贸函电英语》 《26字母的奥秘和字母组合发音》 《英语48国际音标突破》 《佛法与生活(英译著作)》 《昊翰专辑(英文歌曲)》等著作教授 Judy Padma (Zhu Qiao Feng) Radio and Television Host Advanced English Translator Simultaneous Interpreter Advanced translation Decoding 26 English Letters Gene Oral English 999 sentences The Practical Business Oral English Foreign Trade Business English The Decoding of 26 letters and Letters Combinations Pronunciation English 48 International Phonetics Buddhism Teachings and Life English translation of HaoHan Album (English songs) and Other Works of Professor 格言Saying: The harder I study, the better my English will be. 我越努力,我的英语就会越好。 《面对面 Face to face》OK Lyrics by Haohan English by Judy Padma August, 2nd. 2018 In Moscow Face to face But don't know each other Face to face But don't remember 你我面对面 却不相识 你我面对面 却不记起 You and me face to face But lose of memory You and me face to face But do not know me 你我面对面 失去记忆 你我面对面 却不知我 Ah, my darling Ah, my honey 啊 最亲的人 啊 我的蜜儿 Ah, my be-loved one Ah, most unforgettable one-ever 啊 最热爱的人 啊 曾经最难忘的人 You and me face to face Face to face You and me back to back You and me face to face Back to back Back to back 你我面对面 面对面 你我背对背 你我面对面 背靠著背 背靠背 Don't know you and me close so close close 却不知你我最亲密 最亲密 亲密