《Padma Heart Mantra》

《Padma Heart Mantra》

2019-01-31    07'54''

主播: 中華之聲VOC Judy Padma

333 1

《Padma Heart Mantra》 ~ By Tubdan Shangpa Wenshu Translated by Padma 只有通过努力的行持, 才可消除内外的障碍。 当内在清净之时, 外在现象也自然祥和吉祥。 Only after hard working of practicing, we can dispel the inner-outside of obstacles. When the inner most heart is clean & clear, the out-appearance is natural peaceful and auspicious. 无论遇到好事情或者坏事情, 都是自己修持的结果。 Whatever the good things or bad things, which are all the efforts of one's practice.