《高級翻譯教程之活着To Be Living》

《高級翻譯教程之活着To Be Living》

2020-02-25    09'58''

主播: 中華之聲VOC Judy Padma

440 4

《活着To Be Living》 我们生活在广大的当下刹土中。 We're living in the vast ground of present pureland. 虽然不見涅槃與輪囬,但深知輪囬之苦與苦因。 Although not seeing nirvana and cycling, but knowing that bitterness of samsara and its causes. 在这场梦中苏醒的『我』,就让他无畏的成为勇士。 In this dream to wake up "I", let him fearless become a warrior.  以無量的悲心安住在这無所动摇的金刚山顶。 Living on this unshaken top of Mount Kingkang with boundless compassion. Enlightened by Shangpa Rinpoche English by Padma Wangtsen Lamo 17th. Jan., 2020