

2016-08-06    51'40''

主播: 我停止了思考

1699 28

大家好久不见,本期节目一共耗时了9天时间,从看剧,写稿,截取电影片段,到录制音频,最后剪辑。 因为准备考研的复习了,所以接下来一段时间的节目可能不会花太多的时间用在节目上了 所以算是给为数不多的听众一次小小的补偿吧 本期的BGM都是在网易云音乐上找的 只要搜索权力的游戏,查找专辑就有六季的歌曲了 在下面我也给大家依次列举以下,供大家方便查找 1.Ramin Djawadi - For the Realm 2.Ramin Djawadi - It's Always Summer Under the Sea (Shireen's Song) 3.Ramin Djawadi - The North Remembers 4.Ramin Djawadi - Await the King's Justice 5.Tina Guo - The Rains of Castamere (From "Game of Thrones") 6.Ramin Djawadi - Needle 7.Ramin Djawadi - You Know Nothing 8.Ramin Djawadi - Goodbye Brother 9.Ramin Djawadi - I Dreamt I Was Old 10.Ramin Djawadi - I Need You by My Side (Bonus Track) 11.Ramin Djawadi - You Win or You Die 12.Ramin Djawadi - Light of the Seven 13.Ramin Djawadi - Kneel for No Man 14.Ramin Djawadi - I Paid the Iron Price 15.Ramin Djawadi - You Are No Son of Mine 16.Ramin Djawadi - Heir To Winterfell 17Ramin Djawadi - The Real North (这一个是用来连接过度两段BGM的)