25.Hot Weather 炎热的天气

25.Hot Weather 炎热的天气

2020-01-12    04'07''

主播: 少儿英语启蒙老师Ruby

135 0

你一句,我一句,对话英语不抗拒 【英语动脉】,免费领取一对一外教口语课程。 Gary: Oh, my! It’s really hot! I’ve never seen such scorching weather in my life! 加里: 哦,天哪!真热!我这辈子还没见过这么热的天气呢! Sharon: Tell me about it! It’s like the whole world is broiling. 莎伦: 就是!好像整个世界都热得要命。 Gary: Oh, look at the thermometer! The temperature has hit 98! 加里: 哦,看看温度计!已经到98华氏度了! Sharon: I hope it’s not gonna break into three digits! 莎伦: 我只希望它别突破3位数就好! Gary: But it’s already awfully close! 加里:可是已经很接近了! Sharon: Well, I just hope it’ll level off. 莎伦: 那么,我只希望它能平稳下来。 Gary: I guess we can’t do anything until after dark then. 加里: 我觉得天黑之前我们是什么都做不了了。 Sharon: I guess so. What else can we do? You can’t stay in the heat for long! 莎伦: 我也这么想的。要不我们还能做什么呢?在高温下根本不能呆太长时间!