

2020-07-17    01'01''

主播: 南岸风Eric

424 4

有人说过,路本没有,因为走的人多了,便成了一条路。又有人说路是有的,正因为有了路才有许多人走。谁是谁非,我不想判断。我还年轻,我还要活下去,我还要征服生活。 Some say that there is at first no road at all and that a road is created simply by the treading of passers-by. Others say that there is at first already a road available before more and more people come to walk on it. I do not want to judge who are right or who are wrong. I am still young, I want to live on, I want to conquer life. ——巴金《激流》总序