圣诞--七国欧美人亲口告诉你(全英文采访 机场直击)

圣诞--七国欧美人亲口告诉你(全英文采访 机场直击)

2015-12-23    20'06''

主播: 一席英语

34661 381

21天英语打卡学习第五期Day17 圣诞采访Language points(Part 1): 一、 7分38秒(美国人Nico 英文教师): Of course family, you know. I get to(能够,有机会做啥事儿) see my family once a year(一年一次,一年两次就是twice a year咯). And even though(尽管) we don’t see eye to eye (心有灵犀)on everything.----We certainly don’t, we’re totally different. But we still have this bond(血浓于水的连接). And it’s good to see them. My mom is a great cook(厨师,不是炉子,炊具是cooker), so enjoy eating her food(短音“u”,此人发音清晰,大家听辨一下,不要再读”富得“了!!!). And sometimes my sister and I, we hang out(一起玩,不要再说play with啦,大人这样讲就是玩弄。。). We have good time. 二、8分35秒(美国瑞典人Rikard 外企生产总监): You will see the Christmas gifts under the Christmas tree for a month(一连一个月都能看到圣诞树下的圣诞礼物). You know…you can see your name, you know that’s your gift. You wanna(want to的口语形式,试试吧,口语顿时洋气不少啊) open it so bad(非常非常,上周三的课里学过,记得吗?没听课的集体鄙视一周时间,哼). And of course we are excited. As a kid(作为一个孩子), you want the biggest gift, the most gift(最多的礼物), the coolest gift. So that must be the best part for sure(肯定的). AND(注意他的重读语调,意思是“还有”) you can stay up late(熬夜到很晚) at night. 三、8分55秒:(美国人Brian 外企执行总裁) On Christmas what we would always try to do is, maybe watch some videos from before(以前的视频,这个用法很帅,以前的照片当然就是picture from before 啦). My bother and sister are 6 and 9 years older(我哥跟我姐比我大6岁和9岁), but we would watch videos when they were at their early teenage years(他们十几岁的时候. I was (like ) tiny.(此处的like是个没有意义的口头语,跟我们中国人说“那个那个”一样). It’s funny to watch your younger self(年轻的自己,年幼的自己), running around(到处跑) and so excited. You see my brother and sister coming downstairs together, and like screaming, looking at all presents, being crazy kids(疯孩子). That’s the good memory. 四、10分02秒:(美国人Brian 外企执行总裁) Santa?I did. There was a period of time(一段时间) where I felt like Christmas was sort of(有点) just…in my family at least(至少)…they were kind of just doing it like: well, we have to keep doing(持续做) it Because he’s still young, we need to give him a Christmas. And then I sort of understood, you know I knew something was going on(有点不对劲)…and maybe for 1 or 2 years, I pretended like I still believed(装作好像我还相信). I wasn’t doing it for them, no, It was for me to get more(我装不是为了他们,而是为了我自己能得到更多礼物). I wasn’t devastated(震惊,ing形式的用法请听节目11分10秒), I wasn’t like: “What do you mean there’s no Santa?”