

2022-02-15    10'38''

主播: 一席英语

438 2

主播:Bipasha | 翩翩 音乐:Slow Grenade 今天,我们用英语聊一聊吴亦凡,以及what is going on with him(发生在他身上的事). That indeed is a controversial topic now.这确实是一个有争议的话题。 *a controversial topic: 有争议的话题 controversy /ˈkɑːntrəvɜːrsi/是名词,争议。比如引发了大量的争议,可以说: lead to numerous controversies controversial /ˌkɑːntrəˈvɜːrʃl/ 形容词,有争议的 1.Who is Wu Yifan?吴亦凡是谁? a Chinese Canadian actor, singer, record producer(音乐制作人), rapper(说唱歌手), and model *Chinese Canadian加拿大籍华人 *ABC ( America born Chinese / American Chinese ) 美籍华人 a former member of South Korean Chinese boy band EXO and its subgroup EXO-M *former member 前成员 *subgroup 子群,子队 (sub是一个前缀,表示附属的,在……之下) has starred in several No. 1 box office hits like Mr. Six, Journey to the west *star in 主演(star v. 担任主角) *No. 1 box office hits 票房冠军 *Mr. Six 《老炮儿》 *Journey to the West 《西游记》 2.What happened to Wu Yifan? 发生什么事了? He was detained by Beijing police on rape allegations on 31 July 2021. *be detained 被拘留(detain /dɪˈteɪn/ v. 拘留) *allegation /ˌæləˈɡeɪʃn/ n. 指控 And officially detained on 16 August , 2021, when Procuratorate of Chaoyang District of Beijing approved his arrest on suspicion of rape. 8月16日,吴亦凡正式被捕。 *procuratorate /ˈprɒkjʊəreɪtərɪt/ n. 检察院 *approve /əˈpru:v/ v.批准,通过 *arrest /əˈrest/ n. 逮捕 *on suspicion of... 涉嫌……(suspicion /səˈspɪʃn/ n. 嫌疑) What exactly happened? 具体怎么回事? 一个叫都美竹的大学生posted allegations online on 8 July. Essentially accusing Kris Wu of a pattern of sexual assault,包括多名女性,some underage。 *post allegations发起指控 post 在网上发表……,比如“发朋友圈”:post on the moments online *assault /əˈsɔ:lt/ 侵犯 *harassment /həˈræsmənt/ 骚扰 *underage未成年的 3.How did the English newspapers reported?吴亦凡事件,英文报纸怎么报道? USA TODAY《今日美国》:Chinese-Canadian pop star Kris Wu arrested on suspicion of rape The Guardian《卫报》:Pop star Kris Wu arrested in Beijing on suspicion of rape South China Morning Post:Singer Kris Wu charged with rape in China 按照英语语法,“被批捕”“被控”应该有be动词来表示被动,比如,“Kris Wu was arrested.”但英文标题中,be动词都省略了,这是为什么呢? 1.新闻标题必须brief with key words(短小精悍),这样才能catch the readers’ attention(吸引读者的注意),and more people want to read it. 2.在纸媒时代,版面寸土寸金。 所以,新闻标题里,很多冠词、系动词等常常被省略(left out),这是新闻标题的一种特色。 关于今天谈论的话题,你从中学到了哪些英文表达,留言告诉我们吧!