

2022-02-16    11'19''

主播: 一席英语

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主播:David(美国) | 翩翩(中国青岛) 音乐:10,000 Hours 主播介绍: David在中国居住7年,现在就读于美国加州大学伯克利分校(UCB),学习商业经济学。 今天,我们要谈论的话题是:由于文化背景的不同,而造成的culture shock(文化冲击)。 1.What is “culture shock”? 什么是“文化冲击”? Culture shock 就是当你move to a new environment and culture,所感受到的confusion and difficulties。 Culture shock 会出现,是因为lifestyle and etiquette的不同。 Culture shock出现于 not only between 2 countries, but also cities , companies, schools等任何新的环境。 *confusion /kənˈfjuːʒn/ n. 困惑,混乱 *lifestyle /ˈlaɪfstaɪl/ n. 生活方式 *etiquette /etɪket/ n. 礼仪;规矩 *not only... but also... 不仅……而且…… 2.文化冲击一:Differences in transportation 交通的差异 In China, many people ride public transportation(公共交通) like subways(地铁) and buses. In the US, almost everyone drives a car. 如果在美国没有车的话,it’s super super hard(超超超……级难) to go to the store or to go to places you want。 美国人不太使用public transportation,主要是因为public transportation is super expensive(相当贵)。 虽然是有Uber(美国的一款打车APP),但它会花费way too much money(太多钱)。 Uber is really similar to DiDi in China (和滴滴APP一样),you call someone through the APP,然后他们就会把你带到 your destination(目的地)。但两个软件主要的区别是,Uber is more expensive than DiDi。 美国交通的另外一个不便是,there aren’t as many stops to ride public transportation(没有太多站点)。 * public transportation公共交通 *way too much 太多了(way在这里是一个副词,“大大地”) *be similar to 与……相似 *destination /ˌdestɪˈneɪʃn/ n. 目的地 3.文化冲击二:Differences in dining 就餐文化的差异 除了公共交通昂贵之外,eating at restaurants(在餐厅吃饭) is more expensive in general , too,部分是因为the tip to a waiter(给服务员的小费)。 在中国的饮食文化里,most places will not accept tip,但现在有一些西餐厅或者星级酒店,也会charge for tips,一般是15%。 In California, the average tip minimum is 15%.(If you go to a restaurant and buy $100 of food, you need to tip your waiter at least $15. 100美元的饭至少要付15美元的小费) It is not 100% mandatory at every restaurant, but a lot of a waiter’s income comes from tip. 所以,在美国就餐,付小费就逐渐变成了an etiquette。 *accept /əkˈsept/ v. 接受 *charge for 为……收费 *average /ˈævərɪdʒ/ adj.平均的 *minimum /ˈmɪnɪməm/ n. 最小值 *mandatory /ˈmændətɔːri/ adj. 强制的 4.文化冲击三:Differences in social norms 社会规范的差异 社会规范有点像 how people expect you to treat other people.(人们对你如何对待别人的期待)。 美国的社会规范 is a little more strict compared to China for certain things(在某些事情上,比中国更严格)。 If they see other people spit on the ground,他们可能会get angry, because it goes against their social norm. 对于littering这件事,美国的社会规范也是更加严格,会有littering fine。Your first littering fine is usually more than $250, or 1600 RMB. *strict /strɪkt/ adj. 严格的 *certain /ˈsɜ:rtn/ adj. 某些 *spit on the ground 随地吐痰 *go against 与……相违背 5.Some advice on getting to the US去美国的建议 It is really important to learn about the differences between the US and China. 了解中美之间的文化差异至关重要。 We won't experience culture shock when visiting. 不会感受到强烈的“文化冲击”。 It might help them avoid having to pay so much money for breaking a law.避免因为违反法律的罚款。 It would definitely help visitors from China to the US to keep in mind(牢记在心) that: Transportation is mostly centered around cars.出行靠开车。 Restaurants ask for tip.出去用餐至少是15%的小费。 There is littering fine. 乱扔垃圾会被罚款。 Don’t spit on the ground. 随地吐痰会让人觉得被冒犯。 中国和美国都有 unique aspects(独一无二的方面)to their culture, 所以人们到一个新的环境中时,need to be flexible(灵活的) 。了解这些差异,可以帮助people from different backgrounds understand each other better,避免见面时的麻烦。 David现在在加州大学伯克利分校学商业经济学(Business Economics),大家有什么感兴趣的问题,或者想听的话题,可以留言告诉我们。下期的话题,由你来定!