

2022-03-31    08'52''

主播: 一席英语

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主播:Jordania | 翩翩 音乐: What Makes You Beautiful 一、The feelings about Chinese New Year对中国新年的感受 Jordania arrived in China on December 13, 2019,正好赶上the time of COVID outbreaking疫情爆发。 原本是so excited to experience the Lunar New Year,但由于疫情,the whole country was on lockdown(封城)。 今年是Jordania在中国的third Lunar New Year,但她还没有celebrate it properly(正儿八经地过一次春节),一直在想象着,how the Lunar New Year was celebrated before COVID ever happened(疫情爆发前,中国新年是什么样的)。 New Year's Customs in America美国的新年习俗 go through the old things and the things they no longer want or can no longer fit辞旧迎新,扔掉旧衣服以及不合适,或者不想要的东西 The family comes together and have a meal together.家人团聚。 在菜品里,有一些certain foods are never skipped from the menu(新年菜单必须要有的): black-eye peas黑眼豌豆 collard greens羽衣甘蓝 pork猪肉 cornbread玉米面面包 绿叶菜:The greens are the representation of paper money.代表金钱。 大家相信绿叶菜在新的一年能够bring greater financial prosperity。寓意“财源滚滚”。 *representation /ˌreprɪzenˈteɪʃn/ n. 代表 *financial /faɪˈnænʃl/ adj. 金融的 *prosperity /prɑːˈsperəti/ n. 繁荣 黑眼豌豆:The black-eyed peas promise good luck, health, and abundance. 寓意好运、健康、丰盛有余。 *promise /ˈprɑ:mɪs/ v. 预示 *abundance /əˈbʌndəns/ n. 丰盛;充裕 玉米面面包:The freshly made cornbread symbolizes “gold”. 玉米面面包是金黄的,所以代表黄金。 *symbolize /ˈsɪmbəlaɪz/ v. 象征 猪肉:It is believed that pork brings good luck. 猪肉能带来好运,因为猪一直是往前拱,pig roots going forward,所以代表的是一种positive meaning,很正面的意义,going forward in the New Year,步步高升。 Chicken is not eaten because it is considered to bring bad luck.吃鸡肉是不吉利的,因为chicken scratched the ground going backwards,鸡的爪子是往后挠地的。 我们把这美国新年传统菜品的recipes英文菜谱整理成了文档,里面包含需要的时间,食材,还有一步一步的烹制方法,大家感兴趣的,想试试的,可以到我们的公众号“一席文化”,发送关键词“英文菜谱”领取。 You may learn English, American culture while cooking! 可以一边做菜品,一边学英文,同时体验异国文化! 请留言告诉我们: 对于美国文化,大家还有哪些想知道的吗?