

2023-11-22    11'52''

主播: 一席英语

541 1

主播:Selah | Anne ♬ 歌曲 : 开场:Shake It Off (Taylor's Version) 结尾:Love Story (Taylor’s Version) *更多节目配乐,请在“网易云音乐”搜索“一席英语-老外来了歌单”。 Taylor Swift前段时间重新录了专辑《1989》,官宣后,引起了网友的广泛关注。 1. Taylor Swift是谁? Taylor是美国非常著名的一位女歌手,中国粉丝对她的昵称是“霉霉”。 当年,她的那首Love Story刚出来的时候,it just dominated every radio station there is(几乎每一个电台都在放这首歌)。 This song just stuck in people’s head for so long(很多人都被这首歌给洗脑了), 因为这首歌实在太火了,it was playing everywhere(红遍了大街小巷)。 自那之后, she has released so many hit songs(她又出了很多热门歌曲),比如说: Shake It Off, Blank Space, Bad Blood… • dominate /ˈdɑ:mɪneɪt/ v. 在……中占首要地位 • stuck in 陷入 现在,her Era’s tour is happening worldwide(她正在进行全球巡演,主题是“时代巡演”)。 In the last 3 years, she has been re-recording her albums. 在过去的3年里,她一直在重录她的专辑。 2. 为什么Taylor要重录专辑? 她职业生涯的大部分时间,she had a deal with Big Machine Label Group(都是与大机器唱片公司签约),她的合约在2018年到期了。 2019年的时候,一个叫Scooter Braun的人在Big Machine Label Group买下了all of Taylor Swift’s early songs(泰勒早期的歌曲),同时也买下了the copyrights to these song(这些歌的版权)。这也就意味着,Scooter Braun的公司现在拥有Taylor Swift’s masters of these songs(泰勒这些歌的母带)。 When a musician signs with a label(当艺人跟唱片公司签合同的时候),唱片公司will have the ownership of the copyrights to their masters(通常会拥有母带的版权)。 那也就是说,Taylor Swift以前这些原版的录音包括它们的版权,现在都不属于她自己。She did not get a say in this deal(她对这笔交易没有任何话语权)。 • label 唱片公司 • copyright 版权 She has now signed with a new label(她现在签了新的唱片公司),Universal Music Group。她实际上可以继续录新歌,have ownership of all of her masters going forward(拥有新的母带的版权),但是,她想要own her old songs as well(也拥有她老歌的版权)。 她是可以buy her music back,但是Braun would not allow her to buy her own music(不卖给她)。所以,泰勒直接重录,并且把新录的版本叫做“Taylor’s Version”。 Taylor’s version has become very popular. 新录的版本大受欢迎。 She’s definitely won the battle. 3. 新录的专辑都有什么内容? 重录的the album 1989泰勒版是今年十月新鲜出炉的,里面除了有the original songs(原歌曲),she also releases “From the Vault” songs,“From the Vault” songs指的是本来想要在原本的专辑里收录但没有被选中的歌曲),这些歌对于听众来说就是brand new songs 。 • vault /vɔ:lt/ n. 地下室 • brand new 全新的 新录的专辑 1989 (Taylor’s Version) had a very sweet hand-written prologue(手写的序言)。 “I was born in 1989, reinvented for the first time in 2014, and a part of me was reclaimed in 2023 with the re-release of this album I love so dearly. ” 泰勒在1989年出生,然后在2014年也就是1989原始专辑发行的那一年,she reinvented herself for the first time(她第一次重塑了自我)。而2023年,通过重新发布这张她深爱的专辑(the album that she loves so dearly ), she reclaimed a part of herself(她找回了自己)。 • reinvent /ˌri:ɪnˈvent/ v. 以新形象示人 • reclaim /rɪˈkleɪm/ v.拿回 “Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine the magic you would sprinkle on my life for so long.” 即使是在她wildest dreams(最狂野的梦里),她也无法想象粉丝竟然能sprinkle so much magic on her life(在她的人生里撒出这么多的魔法)。 “Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine...” 是一个很好用的句型,比如说: Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I would be having dinner with Taylor Swift! 我做梦都想不到我会和Taylor Swift共进晚餐。 • sprinkle /ˈsprɪŋk(ə)l/ v. 撒;洒 • sprinkle... on... 把……撒在上…… “This moment is a reflection of the woods we've wandered through and all this love between us still glowing in the darkest dark.” 这一瞬间,我们一起回忆the woods we’ve wandered through(我们曾徘徊过的森林),而我们之间的爱依然在glowing in the darkest dark(最黑暗的黑暗之中闪闪发光)。 Taylor真的很会用词,她的文字很有画面感,而且充满了温暖的力量。这句话说明she’s gone through a lot of difficult times as well(她也经历了很多困难的时期) ,which is just like wondering through the woods (而这些就像是漫步于森林)。 • reflection /rɪˈflekʃ(ə)n/ n.思考;回忆 • wander /ˈwɑ:ndər/ v. 漫游 • glow v. 发光 “I present to you, with gratitude and wild wonder, my version of 1989. It's been waiting for you.” With gratitude (怀着感激)以及wild wonder(狂放的惊奇),现在present to you(给大家奉上)Taylor’s version of 1989。它一直在等你。 • gratitude /ˈɡrætɪtu:d/ n. 感激之情 • present to sb. sth. 向……展示 请留言告诉我们: 你最喜欢霉霉哪首作品呢?欢迎留言到评论区一起聊聊。